What's in a name?

These treads are funny because they keep coming!

Uhh… Eden is my name because of a few reasons. The biblical sense of a paradice and such, and in MM64 the thing which was called Eden but I won’t spoil anything, was super cool.

My name, though many don’t believe me, had nothing to do with the FF8 Eden :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The 99 comes… well, lets just say the reason I have 99 there is not fit for public board consumtion :stuck_out_tongue:


stares at Jing’s post Sis… you… scratches head Well, that was not really the idea I had considering all ^^;;

Ahem, anyway…

Weiila is the name of a woman in one of my original stories, and the first time I ever needed a nickname to post on a message board (on some now-dead ROM site I recall, I had troubles with an emulator) I happened to be writing about her around the same time, so when I couldn’t think of anything else i picked that one. And believe you me, it has been misspelled since then…

Oh, and Weiila in the story is an assassin set on avenging her family by killing the emperor Zcetar. Niiice, no?

And it’s pronounced something like “way-la”. There, the mystery is solved!

Sir Percival is my favourite Knight of the Round Table and, in the older stories, is the knight whom I believe best follows the chivalric tenets to which I aspire, since it was he who wins the Holy Grail in those stories. I tried a few other Arthurian names (Lancelot, Galahad, Gawain, Tristram), but in the end, I liked Percival the best.

I also like the meaning of the name Percival; it comes from Old French perce ‘[he/she] pierces’ and valle ‘valley’. The name was also influenced by a Welsh hero named Peredwr, but I am not sure what that name means because I do not know any Welsh. The phallic qualities of the name Percival make it a good name for someone like me, who was born in the spring (my favourite season, too) and who is fertile in soul and in body.

My choice of this name was not influenced by any game, despite the presence of characters named Percival in Suikoden and Percy in Beyond the Beyond. I have played neither of those two games, in fact.

My other nickname, Perc, was an innovation of other persons at RPGClassics, although I have forgotten who originally coined it.

Hmm…Mine is a very stupid thing…

There was a time that i was called “Gor” at school…

And There is a Magic Card Named “Kor Refugee”…or something like that…and since me and My Friends like to Mess with our nicks, They Started saying me “Kor”…and That was how this name was born.

Originally posted by Flintedge
No it doesn’t ;;
cries ;
has nightmares about Hmongs now ;_;

Aww…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it ;;
hugs ;

Originally posted by Kor
since me and My Friends like to fuck

Heehee… ^^;

That’s Why Kiddos, I Love The “Edit” Button

It’s a product of my imagination, and my imagination only: Nothing special about it at all, I’m afraid.
I made it up a couple of years ago, and since it’s as unique as it is: I’ve used it since.

Cala get cookie! YAY! huggles GG

hands Cala a lot of cookies
Here you go! Enjoy! If I knew that you like cookies, I’d have brought some more.

I got my name from randomly typing out on the keyboard. I ended up with “fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbksdabkfabkveybvf” and Strong Bad shortened it to “fhqwhgads.”

I got my name (Gaius) because originally I’d been going to be a recolor of MMX’s Gaia armor, but that changed.

Mine was just randomly chosen!

Drune, you were a MegaManX2K ripoff. And not a very accurate one, either.

Okay, flesh-bag, how’d YOU get YOUR name??

My name is “Mayl.” Figure it out yourself.

Well, I couldn’t think of a good nick so I just used my real name…

yo uknow what? I want to change my godddamn name to my real name! My real name is MUCH more creative than this!

My name was computer generated, I liked it so I stuck with it.

Names are empty.
Speak on; I did not say “Quiet” in any form.

the origin of my name comes from the time in my life when i was depressed… the drk part… and as for the knight part at that time i was depressed but i had to protect some one i loved and became her “knight” so from that point on i called myself the drkknight.

Well, my name is my real name, & it’s also from the Bible. Uriel is the Archangel who is the Guardian Angel of anyone born on Wednesday.

Originally posted by Uriel
Well, my name is my real name, & it’s also from the Bible. Uriel is the Archangel who is the Guardian Angel of anyone born on Wednesday.

Uriel is also a guardian of Heaven in Paradise Lost.


Sir Percival seems to know alot. Good 4u Sir Percival!

There’s nothing really special, about my name. I just needed a name, and since I really like angels, I thought I work that into it. But instead of using angel itself, I decided to use Heaven’s Soldier. And I liked it, so I stuck with it!