On the H2G2, my first screen name was “Adolescent white American male who likes 47” (which was my favorite number at the time). This was a really big mouthful when I wanted to be on the member list for the now-defunct group A.R.S.E., which protested one of the rules for joining, which was “No spitting.” Since the H2G2 is mostly British, they settled on shortening it to “Yankee kid. Likes 47”, or YK-47. I eventually dropped the 47, forgot the entire preceding story, and decided I’d come up with something that YK would stand for. Having just played Super Mario RPG, I decided on Yaridovich, and as a last name Kramer just because. Then I remembered the rest of the story. Where it goes from here, Yaridovich shortens to Yar.
Capcom ran out of musical terms when naming me.
My name (Afgncaap) stands for Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally-Ambiguous Adventuring Person. I’m from the Zork games, a text-based series, and I’m an excuse for the player to cast him/herself as the hero(ine).
Yar needed a four-letter for a female character in YaraY, and since it’s sort of in the MegaMan X universe between X4 and X5, he decided to ignore the existence of Sera in MegaMan Legends 2.
Well, when I first came onto the scene I went by my real name, but when my first shrine was finished (Phantasy Star III) I just decided to go with one of the names from the game. So I went with the name of the person who was only a legend in the game… Orakio. Plus the name had it’s advantages (just check out Get Wise). And I can make a bunch of products with the name, such as Oraki-o’s breakfast cereals, and the Oraki-yen currency.
I started calling a friend of my sister Nonolisen - a weirdification fo her name, so she felt the urge to come up with a weirdification of my name. She settled for Jing-Jing (which I’ve always liked a lot better than my sister’s old nickname for me…) and so I started using “Jing” as a nick everywhere.
points at the ‘Favorite Book’ section
The Third Testament, a very interesting comic book series, made by French people, I believe. I was looking for a title for a character in one of my StarCraft/Fic projects, when I came across it and had the idea of using this term to name said title. Then I had the idea of putting one bearer of the title in each universe, kind of like the Green Lanterns, and two special bearers, watching over all the others as a whole.
While I was known as maskedgermanian during my first few months, I soon asked Sin to change it. I am a fan of every major culture’s myth, from greek to Norse to Egyptian to mesopotamian to the sadly often overlooked Christian. And Esker, well, the name’s actually a geographical thingy, but my sister used it as a name for one of her characters, and I just stole it. End of story.
Its actually pretty simple. Waaaay back when I wanted to create an e-mail account at hotmail, all of my “ultra-cool” names have been taken (like Locke@hotmail.com and squarefanatic@hotmail.com and Finalfantasylover@hotmail.com … I’m glad that they were taken, personally). Because of this, I just chose something random that nobody would ever take (except perhaps a gardener or something). And so I’m being at least a little original.
EDIT: So yeah, my old email address is cybercompost@hotmail.com , but I raaaaaaarely check that nowadays.
Well, the second half of my nick comes from an unlikely source: My old high school’s team name was the Marauders, and I wanted to show my semi-affiliation. But I didn’t like the word “marauder”, so I went off to Ye Olde Thesaurus and looked for synonyms. Dragoon was there, so I took it.
And for the first half, I wanted something that would sound good with the second half. Doma just seened to click.
Well I got my nick from Planescape: Torment, Xachariah was one of Nameless One’s former party members. A blind soldier (archer) with a drinking problem, sounded about right for me.
Originally posted by Flintedge The answer to mine is not Chrono Trigger despite what you may think.
Flint’s name comes from a city in Minnesota
Means Great Dragon God. Not very original, but it hasn’t been taken anywhere except on AIM, which was probably also by me since I think I fucked up during registration.