I had a semi-interesting idear that involves your screen name on the MB. Why did you choose it/how did you come up with it/inspirations, that sort. So let’s begin. I chose mine, 'cause I like Kagato Toujou, Kagato means “The Great/Godlike One/Being” in some language or another, and he or someone that looks/acts like him is always keeping the Hero man down. I mean, sure the villian dies at the end, but he has the most fun in much more of the episodes.
That and those Green laser shit he uses in the original OVA. That’s where I got “Green Hand of Death” from, because it’s green…it’s a hand…and it ki11z j00!"…yeah.
I got mine from one of my favorite game series of all time, Gradius (and parodius, to a lesser extent). I’ve always liked the look of the Vic Viper ship and the over all coolness of the Vic Viper mech in Zone of the Enders 2 made me decide to use this name.
I got Xelopheris from Ephemeral Phantasia. However, after researching it, Xelo is the name of a computer hardware company somewhere in Europe, and Pheris is an RPG Development group somewhere.
Originally posted by Sorcerer MacMaverick was mostly taken. That is the reasoning behind my name - that and Sorcerer sounded cool when I was 12.
And if I remember correctly, Mac Maverick had something to do you with your constant hatred towards Apple Computers at school.
“Crystal Rose” came about when I realized I didn’t want to keep using my other online name as the same name I wrote my yaoi fanfics under sort of like keeping seperate worlds online if you will
so I created Crystal Rose from my love of… geeze get this… Roses and Crystals…
the “460” happened when I tried signing up somewhere and Crystal Rose was already taken so I wanted something I could remember easily and so I chose “460” cause one of my fave J-pop singers “Gackt” claims he’s older than that… :fungah:
Many (many) years ago, I was DM’ing a D&D game. We were a little short on players, so I threw an NPC Fighter into the party to balance things out. Thus… Rast was born.
Rast’s exploits (with the party of course) included an epic battle against an ogre on a frozen pond (“Save your dexterity… whoop! You fall on your ass and go sliding to the other side!”), a titanic battle against a hoard of drow waged from the inside of a broom closet (They were sneaking throw a large group of them with the aid of invisibility scrolls, stupid dwarf was trying to tiptoe in plate clink, clink, clink The party all ran into various cubbyholes to keep from being totally surrounded), and, in the final battle of the game, he kept getting knocked down by a high-level sorceress with one hit and the party’s healer did nothing but heal him the entire time.
I had so much fun that game I’ve kept the name ever since.
I mention it before, and I will say it again. It all because of Rast that I have this name. For I attempted to create my own RPG for the ill fated RPG Engine, and in order to do that, I needed a main character. At the time, I went by generic user names like Goblez or Lavos so I had to think of something original. So at lunch the next day I started to rearranged the letters of various non-related nicknames from something else. In the process of doing that I have created Rirse and Atrast. Other names were created too, like Aasea, Kasing, and that ninja guy I forget.
Mabatsekker - A mangling of letters centered around my name, given to me by this one guy in fifth grade because I was so good in games (which were his ) Spinoffs: Mabazi, Mabs, Maxekker, etc…
My dad’s e-mail was dgalloway@whatevercablewehad. I sent a mailbag submission in to Cid, but didn’t sign it. He posted my name as “d Galloway”. And the rest, as they say, is history.