What's in a name?

Friend of mine showed up with a Japanese-English dictionary the other day in IRC.

Born Loser, Born to Lose. ask anyone who knows me, they’ll say it fits me perfectly smiles and it does.

tide: the t.A.T.u avatars are cute…

Well, Chris is my real name and the Brood are my favourite fantasy race, that’s all there is to it.

Originally posted by Born_Loser
tide: the t.A.T.u avatars are cute…

The WHAT avatars? Oh, by the way, my name is the second half of the Rock & Roll pun.

The group, t.A.T.u. You know, the Russian lesbians?

Never heard that name before.

I got mine because Earth Bound was the first actual RPG I ever played excluding the Zelda series and Dragon Warrior since I was so young at the time and mostly watched relatives play anyways. I donno I just like the name a lot then I added “the Earth Bound Hero” since Ness itself was taken and I thought of Link the Hero of Time from OoT so it just came to me. :cool:


Well, that’s Julia (the cute one :P), anyway. Flint’s Lena. Funnily enough, out of all the pictures we could have picked, we went with the official ToB avatar :stuck_out_tongue:

I made mine up. ^^ Tannin and I got bored one day and decided to write a story, making up 6 characters each. I always like the word ‘fae’ and I like the way it sounded with tan, so I put 'em both together, and there I had Faetan.

And thanks for the pronunciation guide, Weiila! I always wondered about that!

Heh…I always pronouced Weiila the roght way, and never questioned the pronounciation… :slight_smile:

Ave Destron

Ave is hail in latin and destron is what the japenese call the decepticons(if you don’t know who they are shame on you).

Ave Destron= Hail Decepticons

well, at least I know I’ve been pronouncing your name right, Weiila ^_^.

A lot of people mispronounce my name as well, they either say “Oh-ray-key-oh” or “Oh-rack-e-oh”.

I pronounce it “Oh-rah-key-oh” or something along that lines.

Originally posted by Ave Destron
Ave is hail in latin and destron is what the japenese call the decepticons(if you don’t know who they are shame on you).

Properly speaking, if one is hailing all of the Decepticons, then it should be avete, not ave. But if Destron is singular, meaning the Decepticon race as a whole, then ave is correct.

Originally posted by Sir Percival
Properly speaking, if one is hailing all of the Decepticons, then it should be avete, not ave. But if Destron is singular, meaning the Decepticon race as a whole, then ave is correct.

I’m not too keen on latin(like it though, want to learn more).

Anyways which one sounds better Avete Destron or Ave Destron?

Originally posted by Ave Destron
[b]I’m not too keen on latin(like it though, want to learn more).

which one sounds better Avete Destron or Ave Destron? [/b]

Take your pick. It does not bother me if the grammar is wrong; I just thought that you might like to know.

If you are interested in Latin, take a look at the Oxford Latin Course. That the series which I used.

earnlay omesay igpay atinlay. ustjay ytray it… ay

earnlay omesay igpay atinlay. ustjay ytray it… ay

oy falls over

Iay nowkay igpay atinlay. h33rpay emay!

Well my uh screen name is pretty self explanatory;) Though I should have had the sense to shorten it to Eva…Evangelion makes me seem like a, well, NGE geek I guess. I haven’t even seen all the series…

Kaiser is “Emperor” in German (and, like the Russian word “Czar” derived from the title/name synonymous with emperor in European history, Caeser).

Von: common prefix for surnames in German, and is commonly associated with names of upper class families and, back in the day, noble dynasties (I mean, usually when you see a character in a show or a movie or a book, and their name begins with “von” they’re usually from a very well off family and appropriately stuck up about themselves).

Almasy: FF8 fans will recognize this as being Seifer’s last name. (I felt my RPGC handle needed some sort of tie-in to some RPG, and FF8 was what I was playing at the time, and was already one of my favorite games ever). Seifer the character had endeared himself to me and, of all the RPG characters I was familiar with at that point, he was the most “German-looking”* of the bunch.

Why the Germanic overload in my name choice? Well, I discovered RPGClassics on the tail end of taking a year of German at school. So, yeah.

  • [Boy, does talking about guys with short blond hair and blue eyes being the most “german looking” have immense potential for making me look bad and having people draw wrong conclusions about me… No, I’m not one of THOSE people, trust me. ;)]