We are... uh... We're really damn fucked.


Bless you, Cala. :kissy:

Notice the space between my congratulating you on posting stats which prove little and my rant. I wasn’t trying to prove anyone wrong, I was just going off on a tangent about what you posted.

Man, Cala, I love that thing :stuck_out_tongue:


The problem with nukes is, there’s no point to them. Granted, war itself is pointless, but nukes are even more so. Only a select mad few would be crazy enough to fire a nuke, ESPECIALLY if it’s aimed at a country with even bigger nukes. The world will be completely destroyed within hours, if not minutes. Since very few want to kill themselves over nothing (except for terrorists, who kill themselves over something), countries merely have nukes as deterrants against invasions and attacks.

Given how weakened N. Korea is now (as all of the communist states have become over the years), they are paranoid about their enemies ganging up on them (especially S. Korea and the US). They want nukes to protect themselves from what they perceive to be a direct threat. Of course, the administration there might be crazy enough to launch one, but that’s something we’ll have to face when the time comes.

The whole thing is the gasps of a dying government. It is trying to use fear to give itself a few more years of life, before it inevitably collapses. Such is the way of all governments.

Come to England, find me, look me in the eye, and tell me a world filled with soldiers is preferable to one with none. Please.

Given how weakened N. Korea is now (as all of the communist states have become over the years), they are paranoid about their enemies ganging up on them (especially S. Korea and the US).

China has been getting stronger over the years, not becoming weaker. From what I’ve read, too, Vietnam’s economy has been running along nicely with the rest of Asia, just a bit slower. But thats also because China and Vietnam have been slowly changing how their economies run.

Anyway though…I doubt Korea even has a nuke. They’re probably just saying that, and using it as a threat against Seoul or Tokyo or something so the US cannot invade Korea. I’m pretty sure we’re just going to have to wait til Kim II dies and hopefully some N. Korean general has enough sense to try and stop this madness.

I also doubt Iran has a bomb…they just basically want the deterrent to invasion. If we invade Iran, they can shoot a nuke at Moscow or Tel Aviv or Instanbul or something.

Huh? No’one said anything like that in the first place.

Also that would be a hazardous situation, you would likely be so shocked your monocle would fly off showering everyone with shards of deadly monocle glass.

The US military does a lot of good and it is understandable for every country to have. Also, troops aren’t professional murderers (this is what especially pissed me off). If you knew anything about how troops can use weapons, you’d know it is actually easier for a cop to shoot you than it is for troops in Iraq to shoot an insurgent.

Pier, I never said anything like that. Besides we don’t have world filled with soldiers. Also, the way that the US uses its military, it does a lot of good and it isn’t just to fight wars. I don’t like how many wars we have, but getting rid of the military isn’t going to end wars and conflicts. Without a military, anybody that wanted to cause trouble could. Osama bin Laden would be free to attack, warlords in Africa could do whatever they wanted, and only big weapons (like nuclear weapons) would be used which is even scarier than a war. Buy me the ticket and give me your address and I’ll tell you to your face.

There could be alot worse of a “world police” than the USA. Imagine what kind of hell we would all live in if some fundamentalist regime had even half what the US does. I really don’t like soldiers much PLEASE DONT FLAME ME INFONICK but I do understand that its better having them around than not.

I’d rather have a world with no soldiers at all. Where they aren’t needed anywhere. But that isn’t going to happen any time in the near future.

Thanks for stereotyping jackass.

Holy Shit! I actually agree with you about something.

Don’t take offense to that comment, either, Epic. I just realize that I don’t see eye to eye with most forum elites on this board.

Thanks for flaming me…and thanks for respecting my right to an opinion. If you are a soldier or know anyone who is or whatever, thats fine. PLEASE DON’T FLAME ME INFONICK I’m sorry if I offended you, but I’m just saying what I think. There’s no need to just start calling me names cuz you disagree with me.

I don’t just know people in the military, I’m in the fucking military, so you just insulted my brothers and I. Also, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen you have some narrow view. If I stereotyped you with such a great insult, you’d be pissed off too. I don’t just disagree with you, but I know that you have no clue about what youa re talking about. Believe it or not, but many guys (even non-officers), have college degrees and/or are very smart about making money. People in the military are also very friendly and I know that I can count on them if I’m in trouble. Hell, I don’t even have to know who they are and I’ll get along great with them. The military also gives a lot back to teh community (such as the Marines have Toys for Tots around Christmas to help underprivledged kids). You have probably met only handful of guys in the military or watched some on TV and are basing your entire opinion on that. Hell, if I wasn’t giving you the benefit of the doubt, I’d say you only watched Fahrenheit 9/11 where Moore makes the military look like a bunch of fools.

Infonick is G.I. Joe, Freddy.

Somehow I was supposed to get all this out of “suck it long and hard.”

Anyway, troops don’t do any good whatsoever. They only do “good” in the context of protecting your country from other troops. That’s the problem, if one country has troops, every country has to have them. They’re a necessity from 5000 years ago that we just haven’t grown out of yet.

And yes, troops are professional murderers. What the fuck else did you think they were? You don’t join the marines saying “I want to fly a humanitarian helicopter.” You join saying “Let’s collect me some fucking heads.” They’re trained to kill.

And no, it’s not easier for a cop to shoot me than it is for you to shoot an insurgent. I live in Ontario. If a cop so much as unholsters his gun he has to write an extremely long justification report. Meanwhile, more people die per day of violence in a single iraqi city than Canada’s annual murder rate. Killing in Iraq is pretty much arbitrary. I heard they even have a curfew after which they are required to kill anyone wandering the streets.

Well this was certainly an interesting read, but let me say a few things.

Japan’s Constitution

Article 9:
Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. 2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

However, Japan has a rather large civil defense “army.”

Japan and Korea are really close.
In that sense, I can say Japan:Korea::Florida:Cuba
Think of the Cuba Missle Crisis.

Soldiers have been around for as long as thier have been people in power.
They really haven’t changed all that much, in my opinion.

I agree with Epic on the “no soldiers” part. Also, that’s a GOOD eBaum link. It’s the end of the world, and I believe it’s been posted before.

<3 Trill

And Freddy’s still an idiot. He’s like Hades, but worse. At least Hades doesn’t always believe in the stupid shit he says.

How totally unexpected.