Watcha playing now?

Well shit.

FF6’s story made me feel real emotions. Oh my god that opera scene.

FF13’s story is so far also making me feel emotions, but I get it confused with diarrhea.

That is the most glorious way that I’ve ever heard someone describe how they feel about FF13.

  1. I actually really liked Sazh, and that was about the ONLY part of the entire plot I enjoyed.

  2. Why are YOU playing League of Lols? I’m only playing it cos DOTA2 is hard to run on my computer, and most of my friends prefer League.

Also P.S: I’m terrible at both games now; I was okay at League for a minute but I get discouraged from playing cos of the way they change EVERYTHING ABOUT THE GAME, ALL THE TIME.

I play Leaguuuuu when the Dota 2 network is down, which is a lot recently

Also matches in a game where I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing are better for relaxing. I think I tryhard too much Dota.

Yeah, I can understand that. I’m egregious at both now, so I never have that problem :stuck_out_tongue:

so, I may be late to the party, but I finally decided to play Earthbound. So far, it’s a pretty charming game. It doesn’t blow my mind with awesome gameplay or graphics (even for its time), but the presentation and the story are both pretty good. Music is alright with a couple of memorable tracks so far. The humor is well done and I think that is what makes the game so charming to me. I have a hard time putting it down.

I enjoyed Earthbound. When I was 11. I played it through a couple times, then I got bored of it and never touched it again. At its core, it’s just a tarted up Dragon Quest, with a handful of gimmicks to fit in with its whole narrative.

I really wish I had kept my copy though, as it’d now be worth around $600. Beats the hell out of me why, though.

Probably a combination of JRPG + SuperNES * (Smash Bros regular + Nintendo) / only western release of a three game series ^ Retro gaming craze * (Retro game stores absurd mark ups + (Collectors are obsessive compulsive assholes / Nintendo fanboys are crazy obsessive compulsive assholes)) = $chaching.

Which conveniently ignores the fact that the game is available digitally for a bunch of soon to be totally worthless Nintendo Buttcoins (or $8-9 bux of real world money), though admittedly that does involve needing to buy a WiiU which nobody seems to want to do right now.

I have my Wii U and love it… though the wife loves it more :D.

I am a collector these days myself but as of late my situation has put a halt on collecting for the sake of collecting. If I want to play a game, due to space I’d have to get it digitally. I do agree though that many collectors are a bunch of OCAs :p. Earthbound was going for around 150 US when Nintendo put the game on its VC… that didn’t effect the price whatsoever and the game is still going for that much.

I am starting to see a slide in the retro gaming craze however…

Every time I mention dark souls nobody says anything… guys, seriously, I can’t believe none of you have played it :o

But I need something new. Has anybody played the Game of Thrones game by telltale? The 360 demo was a bit choppy.

can someone explain like i’m five what is the league of legends / dota thing. cause like, it’s freaking huge, but i thought it was just like a warcraft 3 mod or something from way back in the day. help me i’m out of touch i don’t get it.

My understanding of DotA and LoL is that they’re MOBAs (Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas; or something to that effect), where you and a bunch of other people pick characters from a line up of characters and use them to battle the other team and the characters of their choosing.

Gameplay is kinda like Diablo, except that its also like a Fighting game with a bit of some capture-the-hill type of objectives and stuff thrown in for good measure.

It helps that the characters in these two games/communities are largely inspired by Anime and other Video Games (in that, comic book artists take a character from an anime they follow or a videogame they’re playing, slap tits and curves on them if they don’t already have them, or something something important character something if the end product ends up being male).

Or at least, that’s the impression I’ve gotten from it.

There are other MOBAs too like one that was made for DC Comic Book characters like Batman and Superman a few years back (which is conveniently where I saw the most action involving a MOBA; I followed a live stream of a game or two that they were demoing, then moved on with my life).

DOTA was originally a WC3 mod called Defense of the Ancients… though eventually from my understanding the idea was taken further and DOTA 2 was made.

But yeah, the premise is basically you pick a character and team up with other people online. I play League of Legends so I’m not sure about all of how DOTA 2 is played, but in League your goal is always to destroy the enemy Nexus, which is guarded by turrets and inhibitors. At least that’s the basic idea. Take down their nexus or just beat them so badly that they’ll forfeit at 20 minutes. It’s a bit more complicated than I can explain to a 5 year old, though by playing the game you’d think that you were playing with a bunch of 5 year olds.

I like the New and Improved Orakio. It makes me kinda tingly inside that you turned out alright dude, I vaguely remember you were going through some very tough times.

Anytime I see the word “multiplayer” on a game these days, I cringe and run far away. Well…I mean, that’s if I had time to play any games these days, that is. But it’s basically for this reason right here. I simply can’t feel competitive about a game anymore. I’ll admit like 10-15 years ago I was pretty hardcore about Starcraft and WC3, but those times are long gone. The stress of playing a game like this where I have to worry my inevitable fuck up is gonna unleash a torrent of racist, mysogonistic rage (and I’m not even a minority or a woman, but you can bet plenty of derogatory words about those two groups are going to be flying) in my direction is enough to turn me away.

But I guess now I want the explanation for 15 years or something, cause I still don’t get it. I mean, it took a certain amount of skill and practice to be good at a game like Starcraft. You had to manage resources, and teams of units, and expand at the right time, and scout. I mean, it was a lot of multitasking. What’s this lol shit, you just run a character with big boobs around the screen and attack stuff? How can this be so ridiculously competitive?

I realize I could just go watch some youtubes or something, but that sounds even worse than playing the game myself.

Basically, skill in MOBA games come down to a few things:

  • Horseshit “skills” that are not actually good ways to test how good you are at the game (Choosing the right characters, banning the right characters - before you pick characters, both teams can just eliminate some from the selection pool so nobody can use them, using a character in the “correct” part of the map as defined almost 100% by popular consensus and not much else, buying the right items to upgrade your character - which is a complex tree of hot garbage for you to memorize, having a general understanding of what every single character in the game can do - there’s over 100 in League and DOTA)

  • Skills that are important, but really also not a test of how good you are at actual PvP (landing the most killing blows on non-player enemy units - you only get gold for the killing blow, landing the most killing blows on non-player ALLY units - enemies don’t get experience for allies killed by you, how quickly and efficiently you kill non-player units - especially while not getting killed by your opponents)

  • And finally, actual real PvP skills (Dodging enemy attacks, successfully landing your own attacks, knowing when it’s safe to advance closer to the enemy base, being aware of where your opponents are on the map, being able to make educated guesses as to where they might be in the fog of war, knowing when to group up with your team and when to divide and conquer, knowing when it’s smart to fight and when it’s smart to run away)

So there’s a whole lot of really great things about the genre. Unfortunately, they’re neck-deep in antiquated nonsense mechanics that have become staples of the genre, mostly because “DotA did it”…never mind that DotA probably did it because it had no choice due to mechanical/game engine restrictions.

Also people who play them are for the most part serious rage cases.

Thanks… I think :smiley: I guess you could say I turned out alright… I’m still alive and still writing horrible pieces of fiction that nobody reads… for now :smiley:

Imagine you’re playing Warcraft 3, but instead of different map every time, it’s the same map every time. A bunch of archers and footmen are generated automatically every 30 seconds for both sides, and they clash down 3 lanes. They’re more or less even and without outside intervention equally matched armies will bop each other evenly for hours. There are towers periodically arranged along the lane to give the defending side more traction against snowballing waves of these armies.

You control 1 hero. 9 other players also control 1 hero each; 4 of them are on your team. You upgrade skills and buy items exactly like Warcraft III. Some of them are better in chaotic fights, some of them are better 1v1, some of them can tank more hits, and some of them do more damage. All exactly like Warcraft 3 heroes.

The game system, however, puts more emphasis on the heroes, because that’s the only thing you get to control in the game. Your heroes are exactly as weak as a level 1 Priestess of the Moon or whatever but both skills and items scale much, much more deeply causing heavier and heavier hero emphasis rather than army emphasis as the game progresses (I know Warcraft 3 feels like there’s a lot of late-game emphasis on heroes, but it’s nothing compared to DotA or LoL - the right hero can obliterate any amount of army in like 5 seconds if given the resources). Your objectives are ultimately to destroy the enemy unit-producing structures and their Main Base ™.

Hundreds of heroes and items combinations provides near-infinite game depth and replay value (hence why they’re so popular!) but also a huge knowledge burden for new players. You’d probably not be even considered competent at the game until you’ve put in at least a few hundred hours.

I’ve put in that much time and I still get called incompetent (and many other words) by other players :stuck_out_tongue:

I still think DOTA and LoL would be 1000 times better if there were way less characters, and a greater focus on PvP rather than interacting with Creeps/Minions (the non-player archers and foot soldiers) and taking objectives. I don’t think those should be abolished completely, but I do think they’ve been given too much importance (In DOTA, it’s creeps in particular; in LoL, there’s def too much emphasis on objectives).

League has a lot of focus on Creep Score (CS) with 3 of the 5 players at least, though most importantly the ADC. A lot of early game is killing enough while poking the enemy champ in order to gain a higher CS (which means more money to buy big items). Half-way through the early game the jungler will attempt a gank to give a kill to one of the laners, thus giving more money and a better chance to meet objectives.

I agree though that the focus needs to be more on the pvp instead of on objectives. Before the changes to Summoner’s Rift and the buffs that Dragon gives, Dragon used to only give the team gold so his value wasn’t as high as it is now.