Unveiling of the Guardian

He does, evidently.
So! Besides apparently having an apparent highened morality, what’s up?

I…suppose not much.

~ Guardian:enguard:

Yeah fuck this place

Bring da mutha fuckin ruckus!

:no2: :noway:

~ Guardian:enguard:

Gimme a fuck yeah!

No don’t.

Didnt plan on it…
Does this guy do this often?

~ Guardian:enguard:

All the time Guardian, he doesn’t take himself seriously, a major flaw I must say, unlike us who may as well just been carved from stone by the Gods themselves. We are perfect humans, you and us Guardian and we must lead by example.

Notice how I said “Gods” and not “God” that is because I believe the Celtic Gods to be the one true faith rather then these other “organized” religions that have sprouted up over the years. Fools leading fools is what I say.

I believe not in God or Gods.
I believe in entities that created and became part of the planet with live on.
Elementals, if you will.
Spiritualistic, kind of like Buddhism, except I am not a believer in Buddhism.

As for perfection, there is naught a person alive who is anywhere near what people think of as perfection. Anyone who thinks so needs to be brought out of their dream world and back into the world we live in.

~ Guardian:enguard:

Emooooo and pessimistic. D:

What is your basis for believing in this kind of supernatural thing?

Not to be mean, but I’m an active promoter of skepticism and a former Roman Catholic, so I take an interest in why people choose to believe in what they do?

A. Again, I am not emo. And I do not think of myself as pessimistic.

I believe this because I refuse to believe:

  1. That there is an omnipotent being whom can make a planet a people on that planet with 1 week.
  2. That this being watches as we kill each other and does nothing about it.
  3. That the way my life is lived is my choice, not that I am following so divine path set before me.

~ Guardian:enguard:

Have a fun life, I guess. Probly wanna chill out, maybe. I dunno. :stuck_out_tongue:

Skankin’ Garbage is an emo child

:mwahaha: This topic has lost some focus :mwahaha:

Is everyone crazy over here or it is consider normal?

:wave: :wave: :wave:

I am unsure…to tell the truth.

Nemo, you may want to take out the RMCC forum link, and put it MT’s.

~ Guardian:enguard:

Perhaps I should ask what I meant to somewhat differently. What I mean to ask is “why do you believe in what you do?” Christian religions derive their authority from thousands of years of existence. This nebulous elemental/spiritualism you speak of, where does it come from, and why do you believe it?

Don’t feel compelled to answer if you don’t want to, or if it becomes too troublesome. Like I said, I don’t mean to pry - this is just a personal topic of interest for me.

aren’t pentagrams generally stars upside down within a circle?

anyhow, welcome to your new spot to chill and relax and argue with people.

You are correct on both accounts. We are all crazy, therefore this behavior is normal.

If you think this thread has been derailed, you have not been here long.

:hahaha; :hahaha; :hahaha;

Been here LONG enough to figure it out now…

:mwahaha: :mwahaha: :mwahaha: