The group hug thread!

Remembring the same picture, that white suit indicated that Nightblade has a deffinitive sense of style.

Sorcerer, despite coming off as a bit of a prick on occasion, is bluntly honest about things and unafraid to tell you exactly what he thinks about something, and I respect that.

GG is quite affable at times.

Charlie is what makes the boards go around when the sun is down. Plus, the black&white photo of him back then kicked ass.

Maba has an awesome sig.

Nightblade… I remember Nightblade went all the way back to India because he cared enough about his cousin to save her from what he thought was a pre-arranged marriage(it was actually a hoax played by his family, I seem to remember). That must have been a hassle.

Curtis is awesome because he always posts relative stuff and has the bandwagon capacity of a dead chipmunk. Totally unflappable, you rock dude!

Shalcar is awesome because he likes Heat Guy J.

Great, I have to be stuck with Hades? This is torture! J/k man.

Hades always seems to say exactly what’s on his mind.

BX likes morphene as much as I do.

Eva is usually a nice person and she has a great sense of humor. She only flames somebody if it is neccesary and she always does it with wit.

Dude likes FFT, so he is cool.

Nightblade has a sense of compassion and concern for others that I find admirable.


Lanyx is a bit of an asshole, but damned if he ain’t one of the best players of WarCraft 3 I know.

GG listens to me whine, and he doesn’t whine back at me about how I need to stop whining. :slight_smile: And he’s fun to talk to. And I bet he’s good looking. I hope he has deep… blue eyes… And… I love him

Sorry, my eyes are hazel.

And also; Stay the fuck away from me. :slight_smile:

Yeah. I’m down with hazel. Anyways. GG is a cool cat. He’s really fun to play WC3 with, and whatever other games I’ve played with him, I’m sure he was fun in those too.

GG’s an awesome guy who’s fun to pounce and talk to. He’s also the one who’s given me every webcomic I read now.


Edit: Lanyx avvie’s cool and weird. ^^

Kairi has good taste in video games, and about as many posts as me, making her super cool