The group hug thread!

BlueMageOne is funny, at times. And he showed me the Disco Hitler :smiley:

NB likes Silent Hill and Castlevania, so that makes him A-OK in my book :smiley:

DG used to have a cool avatar.

Charlemagne pays his alamony every week and on time to his ex-wife in Panama

He also used to have a cool avatar

I’m reeeeally tempted to post a group h8 thread, where everyone viciously insults the previous poster. I suppose we shouldn’t ruin the good intentions this thread was created with though. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Oh and sorry I broke the chain, I can’t really play the game when everyone posts thirty times for the sake of inflating their egos. Just skip over me since I didn’t hit BM.)

BM seems like a decent guy, and he likes blue mages so he r0x0rs.


I’ve heard that Ramza isn’t anywhere near as annoying in real life as he is online, so I guess that makes him cooler than some people who are just as lame in real life as they are online.

No, I’m not pointing fingers, the two guys I’ve met from online are completly cool. But I would imagine there are people just as lame as they are online.

Sorcerer rocks becauseo ne of his favorite games is one of my favorite games.