Soul Calibur 2 cosplay.. extreme

I hate everything.

This Kodak moment is brought to you by Polaroid

I thought the mod like me enough to keep me on here. I am sure there’s… Better not I’d better not incriminate myself.

That is probably the most sincere thing ever.


<img src=“”>

People who suck
by DT

Setz sucks since his girlfriend is pregnant because of KFC, Izlude sucks because he can’t see the thing is a dummy. Dev also sucks but I forgot why. Ramza sucks too because he once did, so we assume he still does. Nutter sucks because he still doesn’t make sense. Steve has been sucking ever since he’s been listening to AFI, but his girlfriend is kinda hot assuming she’s real. Merlin sucks because he didn’t give me any candy today. ;.; TD sucks because his hard penissed- pony is scary. You all fail. DT wins.
<font size=1>984 doesn’t suck. He is nice. i like him.</font>

pregnancy test came out negative

way to be uninformed

Actually, the test can be negative for a little while after the first period was supposed to come around, which from the sound of your post , is still a little bit off. The tests check for the content of human chorionic gonadotrophin in your girl’s urine. If there’s not enough going around because of the timing of the implantation and the underdevelopment of the future placenta or if the urine isn’t concentrated with enough hCG, it is possible for the test to be a false negative.

We did the pregnancy test 7 days after intercourse. Test said it is 99.98% effective.

Would you buy one that says it’s not?

That’s not what your mother said last night!

More to the point, would any test say it’s not? … okay, I suppose there’s the whole “lololol false advertising” thing, but don’t imagine it wouldn’t say “This test is NOT 99.98% effective.”

I wuv you all.

Damn tootin’.

The tests I’ve seen have said to wait until 1 week after the girl has had her period and that the test should be done on the first urination in the morning for optimal results.

But Sin, if the girl has her period, doesn’t that mean that she isn’t pregnant?

I thought that Setz’ problem happened right AFTER the girl had her period?

If the girl has her period then it is possible she’s not pregnant, but she may have a “weak” period and still be pregnant.

Hey!! I Do!! Or I think I do make Sense!!

Yes, that is what happened. We did it like 25 hours after her period had stopped. 7 days later, we did the pregnancy test.