Soul Calibur 2 cosplay.. extreme

Friggin Towel-heads hijacked my thread! Goddamnit!

Oh? Are you saying you don’t know where your towel is? You’ll make a VERY poor galactic hitchhiker, Mr. Izlude!

I did a pregnancy test as a joke

It was positive. ;_;

Edit: Shit I got editted out and I can’t even remember what I said

:slight_smile: Congradulations! What will you name it?

What Sin is trieing to say, Setz, is that she’s pregnant. Now get used to it!

What Sin is trying to say, is that she might be pregnant. Thanks for the headsup Sin, she’ll redo test this weekend

How the hell did this turn from a cosplay thread to a pregnant discussion? Well, I guess its as random as my posts a while back. :slight_smile:

Someone should cosplay a pregnant Ivy, then this thread would be complete.

Speaking of Ivy Cosplay… Hotttt

She doesn’t have the assets to fill out the Ivy role. Nor does that Taki person.

How cares, Ivy is hot, and the other chic is ok, she isnt drop dead sexy, but she is fine.

After all that flaming I think you children need some cheering up.

Here have some muffins.

They look like mannequins for some reason. They look very unreal and plastic.

Taki kinda looks like Michael Jackson

lol, I know what you mean, see those pixels?! They are liek teh obviously photoshoppped. Alright, all the time I’ve been here at RPGC I was never surprised as how the world was going down the pit, but this time I feel like saying: what a spoiled youth, where did parents mistake? This world is so fucked up.

I don’t see the difference in coolness between cosplaying, and posting on a messageboard centered on RPG video games to tell you the truth.

That’s part of the test. You failed.

4 words: Cup size too small?

Nah man, it’s like Ring Game LARPers making fun of Vampire the Masquerade LARPers. Or people who play warhammer making fun of people who play heroclicks.

“Hey look at this cosplayer, I hate the world and it should end, I have lost faith in humanity, now excuse me while I play Star Ocean for the next 10 hours to get a 100% completion rate”.