RPGCali Winter 2004 (05?)


My last final is at 8AM Friday Dec. 17. I could easily make to Kero’s by noon or so then easily (maybe a little earilier depending on traffic). I could bring EyeToy, a bigger hackey sack that I forgot I had, Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, NHL Hitz, and my awesome self. This would also be the first tiem that I could stay the whole time since I won’t have school or work coming up. I’ll finish work for the month the weekend before (yes, right before finals) and then school will be over, I’ll have no problems.

I’m gonna have to sit this one out.

But like, I can phone in a contribution or something, I guess. Maybe call and say whassup to everybody for a few seconds one night.

See y’all in the Spring?

I think you mean sleeping bags.

On second thought, my chances of coming are looking a lot better. I THINK my last final is on the 16th in the afternoon, so I could probably get there on the evening of the 16th or 17th, depending on when we decide to start. I would have to take off fairly early on the 21st at the latest though, so hopefully the party falls within that little window.

Right now it’s mostly a matter of figuring out how to get the hatmobile down there for what will probably be its last great adventure.

So is this thing happening or not? I hope it is, but it still doesn’t seem definite.

As long as I can pick up my GF at the airport on the 18th I’m happy. I may only be able to make it to this winter meet. If there’s one in the spring, I might be gone :S

Sounds like 17th through 21st is the best time for everybody. I think 5 days should be plenty. Or let’s put it another way: I don’t feel like cleaning up after more than 5 days worth of filth from you savages. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is if this thing is still happening at my place. >.>

Per-r-r-r-r-fecto! :smiley: Man, I’ll be there by the 18th fo SHO, but hopefully the 17th. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, 5 days should be excellent. Don’t worry Kero, I’ll help you clean up. I’ll be there around noon on the 17th if that is cool.

My car is in the shop right now, so it looks like I’ll be able to get there assuming I can scrounge up food and gas money. Is anyone else in on this besides Kero, SG, Nick, Sin, and myself?

I’ll be there, and I’ll see if i can convince Kraken and Jo to make an appearance.

I’m trying to convince GM to go. He might not be able to, though. :confused:

What month is this? I’m probably gonna sit this one out, not that anyone will miss me.

It’s this month. Also, I’ll miss you Charl.

Please don’t bite into his attempts to draw pity, all it does is reinforce his behavior to draw more pity.

DUUUUUUUR, you’re so smart, Sin. say somthing else that is smart.

Nice comeback. Now stop derailing the thread. We’ve banned you enough times for this.

Soooo anyway, the headcount so far looks like: Kero, Frame, SG, me, Sin, and Nick. With the possible additions of GM, Jo, and Kraken Vicki. Beginning on the 17th and ending on the 21st. Is that it? Anyone on that list not coming, or anyone not on the list who IS coming? Six is a pretty small gathering. :stuck_out_tongue:

SOunds about right. I’ll be there around noon unless I’m told another time. I think I’ll bring my video camera to capture all of our crazy fun and stupidity…or at least my stupidity. :get it?: