RPGCali Winter 2004 (05?)

I’ll only be there for the 17th and until early evening on the 18th.

GM is coming. The only question is whether we’re gonna go up together or not. We probly will, cos I see now that the party starts on FRIDAY, not THURSDAY, which is what I kept telling him. oops :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and Vicki isn’t going, because she sucks. :confused:

EDIT: HEY! We should start planning what we’re gonna bring already. Personally, I want someone else to bring a Gamecube, cos I wanna bring my PS2. I know Kero has one, but mine is modded, and I have an NES emulator for it :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t wanna bring more than one console…so if I have to bring one or the other, count on Gamecube, so’s we can Double Dash and Nightfire it up. But does anyone have at least the Console? Controllers are no problem for me.

Hmm, I don’t really have any consoles to bring. I might be able to jack my brothers dreamcast, but I dont think he has any multiplayer games besides virtual on.

Dude. I could get an EXCELLENT 4-Player game if you get your hands on a Dreamcast. If he’s down, lemme know, and leave the rest up to me. >:D

I’ll bring my cube, 3 controllers, DD, Mario Party 5, SSBM, monkey ball 1+2. Does anyone have DDR? That would OWN. I’ll bring my laptop if anyone wants to LAN.

Kero has DDR and 2 dance pads.

FUCK YEAH!!! Does he have more than 1 TV? :S

The only problem with you bringing the Gamecube, Sin, is that it’ll only be there for 1 1/2 days, and Nightfire, our RPGCali Choice Party Game, is on Gamecube. :stuck_out_tongue: If someone could procure it for PS2, though, GM has a multitap :smiley:

Dar! I only have Nightfire for XBOX.

Why can’t you just bring your cube SG? I could see why not if you were taking the bus or something, but aren’t you and GM driving up there?

I’m guessing this isn’t a compliment. :\ I wanted to go, and I was all set to lay down some cash, but then I discovered the severe lack of cash to lay down. I will be making a phone contribution either Friday or Saturday, so beware!

CH, I’m not going straight home after RPGCali, that’s why. Plus, that’s really quite a lot of stuff to manage. :open_mouth: I mean, god if there’s NO fucking CHOICE I GUESS I’ll do it, but I really, really don’t want to.

We’ll be waitin’, Miss Mints :smiley:

Sin: Yes, I do have 2 TVs, but the second is rather small and wouldn’t work for anything that’s played split screen. And Info explained about the DDR stuff. Rawr.

My PS2 is currently broken. It might get fixed before the meet, it might not… it all depends if my roommate (who’s helping me) and I have time, and if the fixing actually works and doesn’t break things even more. :stuck_out_tongue:

As before, everyone make sure they bring a towel and shower stuff. AND MONEY. :moogle: I’ll be organizing a trip or two to the grocery store so we can have lots of snacks and stuff, maybe order a pizza, maybe eat out at a reasonably priced place. Make sure you’re able to pay for yourself. If you run out of money, one of us will feel obligated to bail you out, and it’s really hard to pay back these debts when most of us don’t see each other that often.

Bring swim suits too. My apt building has a jacuzzi that we didn’t make use of before, and there’s the beach too. Lately it’s been very warm here – today it was something like 80 degrees! – so there is that option.

Oh, bring a deck of cards if you can. And if anyone has some poker chips, bring those too. We shouldn’t limit ourselves to just video games, they do get tiring on the eyes after all. I have one deck lying around here, but it’s much better if we can get several. Then we can play 8-player BS with 5 decks, and crazy stuff like that. I remember last time it sucked cause we only had one deck to divide amongst a lot of people. :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anyone have Settlers of Catan or Monopoly?

Well, if you guys don’t want, a friend of mine is throwing a party on Saturday and he said I could bring you guys (since I said I probably wouldn’t make it since I was hanging out with you guys). However, it might be cool.

That would be rad, Nick :smiley:

how long is this thing going to last? and which days will Vicki be there?

Won’t all the backs of the cards be different? Oh and if I can find it I’ll bring the dead deck, that is the best deck of cards ever. My dad was a huge grateful dead fan back in the day. :stuck_out_tongue:

And Sin, what the duece is settlers of catan?

Also, I’ll bring loaded ass questions.

Edit: And and, who’s bringing a cube?

Lol, Grateful Dead :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, if absolutely NO ONE is taking a Gamecube, I’ll fucking take mine, but I only have 3 Controllers. Preferably, I’d like someone who is staying the whole time to take their Gamecube, so if someone can do that, please say something before Friday morning. PLEASE.

Oh, Infonick! You have an XBox, right? Bring it so’s we could play Halo :stuck_out_tongue: It doesn’t matter if you don’t have Halo, we’ll rent it or something :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I can bring a GC, but I may only stay over night.