Potential US Draft by Spring 2005?

sweet, I hope I get drafted.

And I am equally ashamed that I have to call you my countryman.

A) I vote and I pay my taxes. Proudly. Those are my dues. And our current regime isn’t worthy of receiving any more from me. The only thing my country needs from me right now is to be around come November to vote that jackass out of office before he can do anymore damage to my country.

B) If you were as manly as you purport to be (on the internet! Woo! You know you’re manly if you puff out your chest on the web, that takes real balls!) you would’ve already answered this call to duty and enlisted yourself. So put rambo back in your pants, buddy; all 3 inches of 'em. We both know you too will be in Toronto faster than you can say “eh” if the draft starts up again. Or you’ll suddenly develop some convenient injury or ailment…

C) You idiots still can’t let go of Clinton, can you? I don’t know whether to laugh at you or cry for you. Don’t hate the man for getting more head – and doing more for his country while getting it – than you and your ilk ever will.

D) Get over yourself. Really.

E) Go back to beating off to photoshopped nudes of Ann Coulter, and leave the serious discussions to the adults.

Or you could pull a Bush, get into the Air National Guard, and NOT SHOW UP FOR IT FOR MONTHS!

I love how no one got the Doonesbury’s 10K.

Excellent point.

You we probably aren’t being very friendly to our new friend Merk. Hi, welcome to the boards. This sort of discussion happens. However, as I’ve proven, not all stereotypes are true and not all nerds are cowards (I’m proof enough of that, at least with the whole military and going to combat stuff). I hope that you post a rebuttal, I’m interested to hear what you have to say to our replies. Also, post on another like a game and you’ll see how friednly we really are.

Sadly that isn’t true anymore since the national Guard is being sent to Iraq. Although I say that they do have a reason to complain about being over there. They didn’t sign up for that, they signed up to protect their state, not deploy to foreign countries.

Kaiser: You can’t honestly proudly pay your taxes, right? I bet the only legitimate adverb to apply to your paying of taxes is late :stuck_out_tongue:

anyway, while I think Merkidon is jumping to unwarranted conclusions, I think the rest of you are being far too self-righteous and indignant for your own goods. It gives his point suggestions of legitimacy.

you needn’t worry. This topic comes up every two months or so and really, it’s not going to happen.

I’d write the requisite letters and attend the requisite protests and vote the requisite way to prevent such a legislation; but if it goes through and I was drafted; of course I’d go. There wouldn’t be anything else to be done.

from now on let’s refer to Infonick as a minister of death, praying for war.

I think this says it all about the current situation of America’s military, and also with a few words explains how desperate Mr. Bush is becoming about getting more cannonfodder to send away.

Yes, it would be serving your country, but what good does it do to die for something that you don’t believe in? I can’t see that as anything but getting your life thrown in the meatgrinder, and it spells dictatorship.

Well it’s not all that important, Merkidon is probably an undercover FBI agent anyways who’ll never show up or post here again.



Mm, you see to have quite confused a call of duty to rightfully defend one’s country with a call of duty to illegally invade another’s country. There’s a subtle difference there most people would notice in a hurry.

When war overranks education, then we have a fucking problem.

Whatever, I’m a nerd too.

The difference is, however, that I appreciate the beautiful country I live in and if required by a draft - I would go instead of being a complete and utter coward.

You can rationalize it to make yourselves feel better all you want.

PS. I went to High school with mr. saturn, I don’t know if he ever posts or is even a part of the community but he mentioned the site to me ages ago.

Well, think whatever the hell you want. The fact remains that I, and many other people, completly disagree with a draft. And I’ll be damned if I get pulled out of college to go fight in a war that I don’t agree with.

When it comes right down to it, I don’t give a flying fuck if you think I’m a coward. This war is nothing more then another Vietnam, and fuck if you think it’s “my duty” to be fucking cannon fodder for an oil baron. Think what you want, this is what I believe.

Saturn comes around very rarely. He used to be pretty involved, but not anymore.

No, you still don’t get it. You’re not being drafted to defend your beautiful country. You’re being drafted to invade another person’s beautiful country.

And thus you are reduced to the role of a pawn acting in someone else’s game. If everyone enrolls in each of their country’s armies for the reasons their corrupt rulers tell them to, then we go back to the militaristic notions that led to the World Wars and so many other wars before those.

I really fail to see how standing up for what you believe in is more cowardly than doing what you’re told.

Especially when what doing what you’re told is very subjective and has proven time and time again throughout history to not be the best thing to do. The situation in Iraq right now is such an example of people who shouldn’t have done what they were told as it is just getting worse and worse.

Yes, my thoughts exactly. Good show, Sin. :cool: