Kai-chan's art strikes again!

Heheheheheh! They must bow down to the cuteness! No one will resist! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - brick - ow.

Mwahaha! Another update is brought to you by Kai, the letter Z, the numbers 38 and 16, and a shoe!


Another update… how gleeful.

Cute! I like it.

hugs Kai in a comforting fashion Aww, you okay? I know what it’s like to lose someone you love like that, too.

Such things have happened to me, too…I know how you feel…


One should start reading the page instead of just drooling over the profile of a nekkid catgirl.

Still like the pic though, but I do give you my condolences. gives Kai a nice hug What can you do though? That’s life.

I’m sorry to hear about your loss, Kai hugs Kai At least she wasn’t in pain… a weak comfort, I know. Just like with my grandfather. But, it’s at least something.

My own grandmother’s fading away, herself. She’s been really well taken care of, but something tells me that she’ll pass away before the year’s over.
I’d say that I know what you’re going through, but I was a little kid when my other grandmother died. Heck, I didn’t even know she was dying until it was too late, because I was oblivious to the idea of death. I didn’t even cry either, though it felt like something was missing afterwards.

my grandmother marge passed away when I was only four or five. I was so sa, because she was a great woman.

Thankfully, my other grandmother is still alive and healthy, a surprising fact since she’s 86 and living in a house all by herself.

huggles Kai

Nakedness aside, it IS a really nice pic.

Lol, that cat-girl has no nipples…


That drawing is very cute… ^^ Hmmm…! ^^

I’m sorry to hear the bad news. My grandfather, from my father’s side, died many years ago, and I never had the chance to meet him.
hugs Kai At least she didn’t suffer. We humans have to be strong in order to face the pain of loss. It can be a horrible thing.
You have my condolences.

Now for a more cheerful, speeecial update #38! (Atleast I’m on history page number 38, moo.) So… uhm… mwahahaha! Runs off

Awww…how nice. I envy Macc. :slight_smile:

Macc is a lucky man. But I live closer to her. BWAHAHAHAHA

How cute! You two look so happy!:slight_smile:

Don’t you just squrim and almost pee your pants in excitement with each update, like this one? If you do… man, that’s gross. You should get it checked out.


/me curses himself for missing the last update.