.. Wisdom Teeth

Woah. Fuck. FIVE? O_O The one I have isn’t even all the way in yet, and for some reason it’s hurting the fuck out of me. Especially the cheek to the left.

No, and it doesn’t seem like I’ll have to.

The cost would have increased significantly for me. Yeah, I just had my mouth numbed and they yanked them out. It hurt at points. They had to numb me up several times because I was able to feel some of it at times.

I had two on the bottom left, one of which was without a root

I had all four of mine removed… all four impacted.
Lucky for me, my teeth grow in really slowly, so the roots, although formed, were no where near the nerve yet, so it was a pretty easy procedure. I was put in twilight for medication, so I was sort of aware of everything as it happened… felt like pulling baby teeth. One did get infected, but not badly enough that I needed to see the dentist again… I fixed it myself.

Ah don’t you just love being in that small lucky percentage of the population, which was born without wisdom teeth? I sure do.

I think I hate you. :frowning:

I had to have all four of mine removed last September.

It really doesn’t hurt all that much after the procedure if you don’t play with the stitches with your tounge. Your mouth may get sore, but they’ll most likely prescribe you painkillers or something of the sort.

Usually if you feel the need to vomit, laying on your back usually helps it go away. Worked for me.

The worst thing out of all of it? The gauze. The gauzes were a pain in the ass to change, and I had to change them a lot the first day.

After the second day or so, the bleeding will stop and the swelling will start to go down. Then on the fourth or fifth day, you’ll be able to start eating things other than Jello and soup.