.. Wisdom Teeth

Mine were growing in crooked and they were impacting on my molars. The roots were formed, but they were curved. My mouth was swollen for about 2-3 days after the procedure, but it didn’t hurt. I probably still have a bottle of codiene left in my medicine cabinet.

Yeah, get them out. Having them stay in and mess everything up and then having braces later is NOT fun. Just get them done. It depends on where they are growing in, and how many. The top wisdom teeth aren’t that bad, it’s just the ones on the bottom that will really pain and irritate you, when they get pulled.

I don’t have any. I guess I’m not wise.

I don’t have any because of the radiation I had when I was about a year old. My sister’s boyfriend is having his out this morning.

Is it normal if you only grow 1 wisdom teeth?

All four of mine came in when I had mine taken out so I had fucking gaps behind my top and bottom teeth. And the drugs they gave me sucked ass. I was able to come here and conciously post about how annoyed I was to be spitting out blood that the damn gauze wasn’t absorbing and how the drugs weren’t really working within an hour or two of my return home. I tried to fall asleep, but I wasn’t tired so I just laid down for about an hour and watched TV, then I got bored and came here to rant. But its different for everyone so hopefully you’ll have better luck than I. Oh, and if you get desperate for meat, eggs are your friend.

of course it is. 1 is the best number to have…I only had 3, but it still sucked.

You had three too! Three IS a magic number though… especially when the odd one out is on the bottom row!

Wow, you weren’t drugged? How was that? Drugs for me didn’t cost extra, i don’t think (but then again, i dont pay the bills). That or the additional fee was so small that it was really a nobrainer to get them.

Agh, this sucks. I don’t care at all about the pain or the puffyness, I’m just really grossed out about puking because of blood coming down my throat and the blood gushing around my mouth… So far only one has broken any gum in my mouth and it’s already hurting. I don’t know how many I have either. It doesn’t feel like anything is on the top… I think I feel another one on the bottom. This sucks. I guess I have the two bottom ones. Anyways, I’m going to the dentist sometime soon. So I guess I’ll find out what’s gonna happen.

Well, there’s not a huge chance of you puking blood…that’s only if you make yourself sick, or if your drugs wear off too fast. If you get them out, you have to take it easy afterwards, lay down with your head elevated, and stay away from hand-eye coordination activities, which eliminates…a lot, yes, but you wont feel like doing much anyway.

Woahwoah, no matter how drugged or whatever or terrible I feel, I have to be doing something. o.o; I can’t even get on the computer or something? And is getting your wisdom teeth pulled an excuse from school? ;D

I only have two, and they are growing in right. The process could be measured in geologic time, but my dentist says they should be fine.

If you’re puking, you should probably be able to stay out of school.


I got some codiene when I had a concussion when I was like, 8. I fell off my bike and hit my head, I don’t even remember it. All I remember is that one drop of codiene is like a THUOSAND Tylenols.

Well, that might make you puke. its not a good idea to play games or go on the comp for a huge length of time because it might mess you up.

And of course. You get 5 days off, easily. I only got 5 days because my surgery was on a Thursday. They scheduled it right before a weekend so id miss less days >< On the first day back, I was still hurting.

Damn. School = Boredom. Boredom + Pain = Not good. You have nothing to do but sit there and feel it. Eating away… at your life points!

My wisdom teeth came in perfectly; I didn’t need anything pulled.

I have three now. I had five. Now That sucks.

I have three. Five? How did you have five? Freak.