That’s disturbing… and FAKE! p:unch::
Originally posted by IonMage
[b]hmmm, lets try this name replacement thing…Clicka 1
Clicka 2
Clicka 3
Clicka 4
Clicka 5Yep, it all works… [/b]
That is just … just … just … … just …
Originally posted by Pierson
I would be spraying it over the screen. 0_o.
Bad choice of words in this thread man, bad choice of words.
Oh the possibilities…
How do you get a name in there? embarrassed
I don’t what is worse, thinking this story was real, or knowing someone actually is sick enough to make it up!
Dear God, that’s a lot of masturbating. I feel really sorry for the guy that had to watch the whole thing; he’ll be having nightmares for years to come, assuming he doesn’t kill himself first.
Originally posted by d Galloway
Dear God, that’s a lot of masturbating. I feel really sorry for the guy that had to watch the whole thing; he’ll be having nightmares for years to come, assuming he doesn’t kill himself first.
Unless he’s the type of person who’s turned on by watching other people masturbate.
I forget what the technical term for them is…
Har har har ya bum. I wanted to put someone else’s name in not mine!! But I don’t know where to insert the names!
Yeah me and my old masturbation habits. Nice.
Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
… Eva’s a guy?
Apparently I’ve grown a penis overnight. Fear me, n stuff.
Just put the name in front, replace Eva with someones name.
Ah understood. Commencing fun.
If the referee was a guy I’m sure he would’ve been watching the TV’s.
But I’m presuming it was a woman.
Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
[b]’m shocked! [/b]
I can’t wait
You mean you just found out?