Why do people say FF7 is so overrated?

Shinobi? Or Revenge of Shinobi? Since you’re talking about a bunch of (very good) Genesis games, I’ll assume you mean Revenge of Shinobi… the original was SMS and Arcade…

And Ghouls 'n Ghosts IS NOT HARD!! Ghosts 'n Goblins is like a million times harder, as is Revenge of Shinobi. In Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Arthur can shoot upward! How easy! Still possibly my favorite Genesis game ever though. =D

By the way, whoever insulted 3D Mario… Mario 64 is like the greatest game ever. Who’d have thought that 3D platformer perfection would be reached in Nintendo’s first try? To this day, no 3D platformer can hold a candle to Mario 64. Double Dash kicked ass too.

You, sir, have made a VERY good argument that I agree with and submit to. That is hands down the best example of a good series that became GREAT with change.

Thank you Pookie, you reminded me of the light.

You’re playing the bad ones. 1+3 are the best in the series. About Arc the Lad Twighlight of the Spirits the other games in the series are much better.

I think it was about Duck Hunt being overrated. Or something…

Duck Hunt is THE SHIT. Especially the one that lets you shot that goddamned dog.

I am glad to show all the way.

Duck Hunt was indeed “the shit”

and I am a chick, no need to call me sir.


What guy would call themself Pookie?

oooh~ I still have that game on my Nintendo~

SMRPG was cool. The best dude in it was Culex himself., and FF7 is in my opinion the best RPG in the series as well as the best RPG. Anyone that disagrees with me can go to hell, or next to it. Either way… FF7 rules. FF6 next to it.
Goner has spoken.

If you think so could you post a list of all the rpgs you have played. Most people who think that FF7 is the best have probably not played other really good rpgs. I don’t mind when people think that FF7 is the best when they have played other good rpgs such as Chrono Trigger or FF5, but when people just randomly say FF7 is the best and they have not played other good rpgs that pisses me off. I still think that the best rpg that came close to or when the Playstation came out is Wild Arms.

I have played Chrono Trigger and it’s pretty good. Magus himself is good. As I said. It’s my opinion. If it’s not yours well too bad.

Now you see, when you come around, and make posts like that, it makes it very hard to respect your opinion, mainly because it gives most people I hope, and believe, the feeling that you don’t really care about their opinions.

Of course, an analyzer would probably state that, well, we could all go to hell…er, I won’t let my thoughts dillude my argument any further I think.

Alrighty, why does FF7 rule so much then?

you would not believe how many people have mistaken me for a man online.

Well I see. It was foolish of me… Well basically Sephiroth the ultimate badass in my opinion also the main villain. I believe it’s cool because of the story-line/plot and because Cloud himself is very awesome by his own. The graphics may not be “FFX” but… anyone can consider a game “the best” but I consider it the best. Other people’s opinions matter of course, this is mine.

You’re what we call a typical fanboy. If you have something original or worthwhile to post, please do so, but refrain from bullshit like this. Go to hell indeed.

We’ve discussed this like a hundred times but let’s give it another go for your sake. Try to explain how Sephiroth and Cloud are so ultimate without using the words “Huge”, “Ass” and “Sword”.

It’s a common mistake in these boards, especially since half of our women have penises.

woah, I think I’ve come to the wrong forum…

It’s sad because it’s been true like 4 or 5 times around here. Le sigh.

Hmm… I’d have to say it was your Avatar that made people think you were a guy. I mean if we were to generalize, dark green is really a combo of Blue, Black, and Yellow (Forgetting the Light Color Spectrum) And because Green is a mix of blue the thoughts are that you’re a guy via the sub-concious. Or it could be the fact that most people don’t consider tonnenberries (SP) as female…

Anyways, why not pick a partiular event in FFVII that caused you to consider Seph as the ultimate baddie? Or possibly what you considered the point of no return…

Either way, I doubt Seph has cool punchlines… :wink:

Oh come on guys, let the newb have his mass fanboy shared opinion. If it werent for people who make statements like “OMFG FF7 Roxxorz none others are az goods! ROFL!” then we wouldnt have anyone to call “fanboy” or kick dirt in the face of.

And in his defense, Nothing says badass villan like a guy who has no witty punch lines, little to NO character other than “Mommy is a monster, hahaha, me go crazy, haha, read books, haha, big sword! Oooh, destroy world!”. Come on, who WOULDNT think someone like him is badass? He’s certainly more fleshed out and cool than stupid villans like:

Revolver Ocelot (MGS)
ANY of the Turks (FF7)
Weigraf (FFT)

Cause none of them are badass in any way shape or form when compaired to Sephiroth…

makes wanking motion Sure.