Why are internet people such assholes?

Cless for the win.

Icewind what? Man, I barely read anything (hence why I joke that I can’t read or that reading is for nerds). It is just some freak miracle, and out of curiosity and boredom, that I just recently started reading Harry Potter. I haven’t read whatever you’re referencing. Is it a strategy guide since I’m pretty sure that Icewind Dale is a computer RPG like Baldur’s Gate? No, what I said was all me. Those are my true thoughts on the subject.

Icewind Dale is a trilogy of D&D Forgotten Realms fiction, revolving around Drizzt Do’Urden (a major character with a long backstory that has it’s own trilogy; he’s got godlike skill with his matched sabres, which look more like falchions in the artwork) and his cadre of friends and allies and their exploits in and around the titular location.

Of course, as with most things in D&D fiction, the areas in which the books are set are described in game manuals, but I don’t remember a D&D computer game being set there just yet. Then again, I haven’t played any recent D&D videogames.

Yeah, it is a game, from the same company that made Baldur’s Gate.

Icewind Dale is, however, a place, and not a person named Dale to my disapointment

And, not being a person, Icewind Dale can therefore not even be remotely related to Chip 'n Dale, Rescue Rangers. I am sure that this can only double your disappointment.

Holy shit.

I thought I’d never see the day.

Why doesn’t anyone in this topic agree with me or feel sorry with me? When I tell my little brother about things people do to me on the internet he says they’re assholes

I didn’t spam my way up to 2000 posts on Pojo, I actually earned it.

What’s wrong with showing people your fanart and website on the internet? The whole point of making it is to show to other people. People said they didn’t like mine just because they were assholes


And by the way, this topic isn’t spam. It’s a topic about me

It is because you’ve pointed out many things that show why he got upset with you and why other people get upset with you, such as the spamming and getting revenge. Since you have pointed out things that you do that sort of piss people off, the people you’ve met aren’t being entirely mean, they are just reacting to what you’ve done (which is part of why I said to be the bigger man and not to stoop to their level). Also, it didn’t seem like you wanted pity, it seemed like you just wanted to get something off your chest and have people agree with you. I’ve got more to say, but I’ve got to get to school, so I’ll say it later.

This is the thread original post:

Here was my reply to that. Notice it was on-topic:

Now here’s your reply that has NO BEARING ON THE THREAD WHATSOEVER:

How you can try and pass this off as a misunderstanding is amazing. You clearly didn’t read the thread and now instead of just admitting you were wrong you’re lying about it. This kind of crap is why people think you’re so annoying.

I’d react specifically to this with something insulting, but I think I’ll say “yeah, what they said” instead.

Why doesn’t anyone in this topic agree with me or feel sorry with me? When I tell my little brother about things people do to me on the internet he says they’re assholes

Well, of course you’d say that if you only got one side of the story.

People said they didn’t like mine just because they were assholes

It’s entirely impossible that they didn’t like it because, well, it was bad?


My mom thinks I’m cool.

Oh, and Pierson? I’m-a hafta download Melty Blood now. :wink:

“How you can try and pass this off as a misunderstanding is amazing. You clearly didn’t read the thread and now instead of just admitting you were wrong you’re lying about it. This kind of crap is why people think you’re so annoying.”

I already heard of Lunar Legend Tsukihime. I didn’t care. I just posted about Lunar Legend game for the hell of it

REally, that lunar legend game sucked!

You’ve mentioned that you’ve purposely gone to a forum where you knew people hated you and purposely did shit to them. It’s kinda hard to sympathize for someone who admits to being an asshole himself.

This supports why Pierson may be annoyed with you. You purposely derailed a thread.

Holy shit you are just a worthless fucking poster. Go to GameFAQs or something where people might believe your lies and your annoying fucking questions will be lost in all the other useless ones there.

He’s on to something there. It’s all about facing own truths. I’ll never be prom queen. Jeannie’ll never get her parents back, and you’ll never be a worthwhile human being.

[/Maurice Chavez]

Vice City’s talk radio kicked ass.

Either stop lying and being dumb and start thinking, or just leave. Because no-one will ever ever like you if you continue to be like you are now.

Spare us the angst. If you do shit to people, expect shit back. That’s life.