Why are internet people such assholes?

Several years ago I was using this board and spammed my way up to over 2000 posts and then people I didn’t know were hostile to me

A few weeks ago, I needed some help with my router and it didn’t come with a manual, and the assholes told me to RTFM. They posted a link to the site with a pdf of the manual, and it didn’t even have the advanced section most places have their port forwarding

REcently, I asked for help on gamefaqs with installing my graphics card because the poorly written manual didnt’ say much. A guy offered to help and even added me to their buddy list. I listened to them on aim and they ran out of things to think of regarding what could be the problem. I asked them one final question, and the dragnfist blocked me. I said sorry on my other name, and they blocked that name. I said hi on my anonymous name and asked if they could help me. I said no, and tehy warned me

People on the internet are total assholes

You said it, Preach it brother, preach it.

Ecently, I asked for help on gamefaqs with installing my graphics card because the poorly written manual didnt’ say much. A guy offered to help and even added me to their buddy list. I listened to them on aim and they ran out of things to think of regarding what could be the problem. I asked them one final question, and the dragnfist blocked me. I said sorry on my other name, and they blocked that name. I said hi on my anonymous name and asked if they could help me. I said no, and tehy warned me

I dunno about you, but that sounds pretty annoying to me. I’d probably have blocked you too, depending on how insistent you were about it.

One trick is not to ask too many questions to one person. If one question keeps leading to another, it pays to know when to change who you are asking. Many other tricks, but that sounds to be one thing that’ll help you. Also matters how you ask, but thats a learned thing.

That, and what GG Crono posted.

People don’t like you because you act like a moron and spam all the time (in the chat at least). Are you that blind that you can’t take a hint and calm down?

I forgot to mention I went to a board with 10 people, and all of them were my enemies. I started trouble there. One of them made a nice ascii art for me and it said “You fail at life.” I went on aim and told that person it was nice, and they blocked me. So I went on my other aim name and told them to go to hell.

The person was really a two faced jackass

You know what helps?

Reading the manual.

EDIT: / / / :no2:

he already said that the manual was poorly written…give it a rest already.


Anyway, to get back to the point, KB, not everyone on the internet is an asshole. If they were, why, for example, would you post here?

In your first example, I’m sure spamming (your words, not mine) <i>some</i> boards would be considered <a href=“http://agora.rpgclassics.com/showthread.php?t=23777”>in bad taste</a>.

“RTFM” and its derivatives are big memes in the online environment and in the field of technology. Some people will take any excuse to use it.

I’m not sure if you were here (too lazy to check) at the time, but there was a period when many here at RPGC responded to all tech-help threads with “Format your hard drive.” I even made a pic for it, featuring Michael Biehn from <i>Aliens</i> and flaming text reading “FORMAT YOUR HARD DRIVE: it’s the only way to be sure.” It’s the same thing. They don’t have anything against you personally; mostly they think it’s quaint.

I dunno about the third example. AIM convo’s with people off of your buddy list are hit-and-miss. Maybe something you said or the way you behaved irked him.

I’m going to take the opportunity to do a forum crossover question; are you going to change your name, or have you decided to stick with “KaiserBasara”?

“Anyway, to get back to the point, KB, not everyone on the internet is an asshole. If they were, why, for example, would you post here?”

Because I like this board. Although I heard I’m not liked here or in the channel

“In your first example, I’m sure spamming (your words, not mine) some boards would be considered in bad taste.”

The only boards I spam intentionally spam is Team Clouds and Pojo because I hate them. And what was that link all about?

I’d like my name to be changed to FallenKaiser

The point was we don’t like spamming here any more than anyone else does.

As far as spamming other boards goes, if you do it because you hate them and they hate you back, can the surprise, it’s to be expected.

FallenKaiser doesn’t have much of a ring to it. “KaiserBasara” has a nice rythm. Try saying a few of your candidates (or former candidates) aloud, and listen to the sounds and rythms.

From your words it turns out that I’m either not an internet person, or I’m just an asshole. But I really like spending time online, so I guess that just leaves one possibility…
Seriously, internet people aren’t generally assholes, they are just too busy and therefore nervous. Try asking the right questions at the right time and you will definitely get good answers.

I showed internet people my fanart a few times and they thought it was bad.

Another time I made a site and said specifically in the guestbook if you didn’t like the site, tell me what you didn’t like about it. Well, they just spammed the hell out of the guestbook saying “This sucks” and “I like food”

I showed people my site on irc before and they said it sucked, but they never even made a site

“As far as spamming other boards goes, if you do it because you hate them and they hate you back, can the surprise, it’s to be expected.”

I’m not surprised. But they hated me in the first place, so I spammed them to get revenge. I made them regret what they did to me

You shoud get a Deviantart site. The people there seem very friendly.

It might be something you are doing that annoys people on the internet, and not the internet itself.

Funny, I don’t have that opinion of people on the 'net, I get on fine with most people (except Hades…grr :P). People everywhere on or offline will be assholes if YOU are an asshole, and spamming is usually very annoying, so I can’t really say it isn’t justified.

agrees i was in the middle of playing Baldur’s Gate, and i’m not quite sure how it happened, but a screen popped over the game and multiplied itself about a million times. had to restart the comp. it wasn’t a virus cuz i was on my friends comp and he’s got about every virus scan there is…paranoid…anyway, none of them brought anything up and it hasn’t happened again.

Wow, thats really immature. Besides, what does spamming do? They can just prune your threads.


Nah, I’m kidding. That does sound rather annoying though. :stuck_out_tongue: