Why are internet people such assholes?

Anger breeds anger. Just because someone or people piss you off, it doesn’t mean that you have to try and get revenge. Be the bigger man and don’t stoop to their level.

the more-you-know star flies overhead

Well. I’m sure logging on multiple AIM screennames to bother people isn’t helping. :expressionless:

You didn’t mention where you went for router help, but it may have been the same problem with your other one.

You don’t go to gamefaq forums to ask about hardware trouble. Go to someplace like extremtech, arstechnica, anandtech or the thousands of other forums MEANT for hardware questions.

Also I love to help people, but I get disgruntled when people continually ask questions they can look up themselves with a simple google search. My guess is you were asking these types of questions to the guy. At that point you are just wasting his time. Make an effort to help yourself and people will usually be more than willing to fill in the blank spots. Wanting everyone to just tell you off the top of the head everything you need to do and you will end up with a lot of people mad at you.

Also, as someone said, if a random person hints that they don’t want you talking to them THEN DON’T TALK TO THEM. It only aggravates the situation.

Damn RC, that was the first thing that came to mind! I love it when that happens!

Yep, pretty much.

Damn you, RC. Damn you. :stuck_out_tongue:

The reason people on the net treat you like shit, Kaiser is because you’re obscenely annoying at times. You’re the ONLY person I’ve ever encountered who doesn’t understand a question when an answer is clearly given and when the person who answers goes into even more detail you’re still too stupid to understand. When someone tells you to start at point A then fight your way to point B then to point C then back to Point A and then to keep circling in that fasion…people get annoyed with the stupidity. You should try being less annoying and to actually pay attention to what people say. Just like I should try being less of an ass.

<img src=“http://www.penny-arcade.com/images/2004/20040319l.jpg”>

From my understanding Basara about the little I’ve seen, it sounds like you can be a bit of a pest. It sounds like you need to do a little bit of self reflection about yourself and your position when it comes down to social dynamics, of which you seem to be a tad ignorant about since you’re actually surprised the vast majority of people put up facades.

I’ve actually referenced that PA comic in “normal” conversation, and it gives me the giggles every time I see it.

Maybe if you THOUGHT BEFORE YOU POSTED you would get a less hostile reaction.

Seriously, in the Tsukihime thread you clearly didn’t even bother to read ANY of it and assumed we were talking about Lunar Legend for the GBA, even though it was clearly in the anime forum and we were discussing an ANIME SERIES, and now you’re telling us;

Unless I’m reading this incredibly wrongly, you went to another board where people ALREADY didn’t like you and deliberately stirred shit up, and they banned and insulted you, which they had every right to do! EVEN IF they started it YOU KEPT DOING IT for your INTERNET REVENGE, which shows that you have the maturity of a ten year-old! Jesus!

RPGC has probably one of the nicest communities out there but even we have a point where we just stop caring when the people we’re trying to help don’t listen.

How old are you Basara?

I’m pretty forgiving in real life, so I’m actually pretty mature. But I think those people on those two boards said things to me without thinking about the effects on a person, they should atone or apologize. They didn’t, so I fucked with them. Maybe revenge isn’t the right word for it

“Anger breeds anger. Just because someone or people piss you off, it doesn’t mean that you have to try and get revenge. Be the bigger man and don’t stoop to their level.”

Did you get that from the Yuan Ti book in Icewind Dale?

agrees i was in the middle of playing Baldur’s Gate, and i’m not quite sure how it happened, but a screen popped over the game and multiplied itself about a million times.

It must have been the annoying guy at the beginning of the game

“How old are you Basara?”

Check my profile

“Seriously, in the Tsukihime thread you clearly didn’t even bother to read ANY of it and assumed we were talking about Lunar Legend for the GBA, even though it was clearly in the anime forum and we were discussing an ANIME SERIES, and now you’re telling us;”

Your assuming that I assumed that. But I knew it was that show.

Well, for a 20 year old, some of the stuff I’ve seen you do is pretty immature. I don’t know you as a person in real life; the only you I know of is the you presented by you. And the person you project to us (me, at the very least) is an arrogant, immature idiot who doesn’t act his age and wastes his time on petty arguments.

Now, whether true or not in your real life, I don’t know. But that is what I see from you, and I’m going to treat you as I would any other person like you, until you prove yourself different.

Not to bash you or anything, but this is just the way I see you. The only you we know is what you say. I should know.


zepp fails.

Everyone stop beating on Basara. Did anything he say really make anyone angry???

Basara, the cartoon posted twice in this thread pretty much explains why people act that way on the Internet. They do it for attention, or to let off anger.

You are the internet.

I haven’t done anything remotely immature, just foolish

I will answer the question which makes for the title of the topic by bolding certain words within each of your very own questions. If you don’t understand why I’ve bolded the words, or if they still don’t reveal to you why these internet people were such assholes, then I dunno, spam another forum about it.