Who DIDN'T see this one coming?

I’ve seem more meat on Skelligons!


They are really skinny. 0_0

The funny thing is that obesity is a much bigger problem then anorexia, however, for some reason in the United States, its hard to address the problem appropriatly without pissing off the people who are concerned with anorexia.

Kind of a catch 22 eh?

This is why you’ll die alone.

When I look at my body, and its many many imperfections (there are a lot of them), it’s not like I don’t get discouraged - cause I do. I’ve felt like crap about how unattractive and unsexy and undesirable my body is, and I know that most of my ideas of what’s attractive and sexy and desirable DO come from the mass media - like, there IS a male standard of beauty, you really can’t deny that. But it’s easier for me to, after feeling like shit, shrug, say “fuck it,” and go on with my life. Either that or I get incredulous, like, “what the fuck, THAT’s what girls think is attractive? He’s so ugly! Man, girls should totally be flocking to MY door in droves.” Yeahh…that’s what I tell myself, as I cry myself to sleep.

But no, I’m definitely really insecure about how I look sometimes, I mean, I’d say just as much as any girl. I just don’t necessarily do anything about it. I just feel the feeling, and then drop it, rather than obsessing over it which is what girls prone to anorexia seem to do with their weight. But (to answer you GSM), one thing that I’ve obsessed over though which I think is probably mass media-driven is my own desire to be more witty/articulate/urbane in conversations. I mean, I’m stretching because I know girls have this pressure too - in fact, our media puts so much pressure on girls I don’t know how they can stand it without totally caving in and losing themselves…I think most probably do, in the end. It makes me sad, but I dunno what I can do other than love the people I fall in love with, unconditionally.

When i feel that way, i have a good long talk with my best friend Jim Beam, and his pet Wild Turkey

I know but I wanted to elaborate. I wasn’t saying that you were ignoring mens images. I just like to state both sides if I can, habit of mine.

Mazrim you kind of have to be witty and articulate to be liked in the first place, thats my experience.