Who DIDN'T see this one coming?

  1. College doesn’t make you more intelligent. You stay stupid if you’re stupid, and you stay smart if you’re smart. It’s that simple.

  2. How do you know whether or not they are intelligent? All you know are their television personalities- they might be very bright, or even dumber. You never know.

It’s not really inner “pain”, it’s suffering and obsession over ideal body image. Inner pain doesn’t need to be physical to hurt, and I’m a firm believer that emotional abuse is more damaging than physical. Being anorexic and wanting to cut yourself aren’t really the same thing. Worrying over how you look stems mostly from the fact that you’re insecure, and unstable. Cutting well…maybe so, but cutting yourself is not influenced by how you want to look.

Oh my.

I heard about it last night, but didn’t know it was true.

I’ll admit, I was a little skeptical when I heard of Anorexia, thinking “Who’s stupid to think their’ too fat when their’ dangerously thin?!?!?”. But I’ve come to realize that its just one of the differences between male and female minds, and can’t be truly recognized. There are certainly a few disorders that strike men more than women, so its equal (not a good thing mind you)

Umm… there is male anorexia. I don’t think it has much to do with the “female mind.” There is also a rare form of anorexia (I don’t know why they classify it as such) where somebody spends all of the time lifting weights- so much that they completely fuck up their body- but they’re never muscular enough.

Really now? Pardon me, then. I guess I never heard of that one before, my psyc classes cover the weight-based anorexia a fair deal, and I never hang out with athletes all that much either.

It obviously does have many things to do with the female mind, since 9 out of 10 cases are female. Face it, anorexia is common among young girls, or females, but it’s something new when it comes to guys.

Girls are just typically more insecure about how they look, and are more likely to take action in their insecurity. I don’t know the reasoning behind this, but I can state with a fact that girls have problems with their body image all too often, and it has to do with the way girls are taught to think and how to act nowadays. And also how to look. I don’t know why guys don’t feed into the media and social groups the way girls do, but yes, it’s clear that those types of eating disorders are dominated by females-and what they perceive as beautiful and normal.

So if they go to college they will make a gay movie? About breaking up with guys? So it’s a movie concerning homosexuality about a girl who breaks up with a guy then finally accepts that she is indeed homosexual?

Or do you mean the movie is only intended for homosexual children, and should not be viewed by straight children?


That’s why they call it a disorder.

no gay meaning the movie would suck dicks. :moogle:

The Olsens are women, so wouldn’t that make them straight?


shutup!! :moogle:

So what if the movie is female? Would that make it straight? I would think a movie starring females aimed at a target audience of females would also be female. Therefore, it must be straight. nod, nod

O_O Eww… I bet even a weak guy like me could break their backs over my knee!

I seriously hope that they don’t think this look is attractive. Who would want a girl who’s like a skeleton, when you could have one that’s like a pillow? One who’s fun to cuddle? If I tried to cuddle an Olsen Twin, I might accidentally snap her in two. A man needs something to grab on to, I say! 8P


:moogle: though big boobs are always good to.


Well just look at the media, who advertises the soap, the garbage bags, the tupperware products, paper towels, walmart, air freshners, etcera: women usually. Notice how the couple is the average woman with the overweight man usually? Look at every magazine cover just about; beautiful woman with makeup maybe even the picture is air-brushed as well. Look at the topics on any woman/teen magazine: best makeup, workout, diet, low fat foods, best little dress, cute little shoes. Other topics: does he love you, is he cheating on you, ways to tell if he has a crush on you. In other words are we okay with what a guy thinks of us, are we passable to them?

And what image does the media send the guys? Overweight food loving, sport loving or extremely muscular and the need of steroids and always needing viagra or male enhancement drugs or average working guy drinking his coffee. All of the guys that should be drooling at the airbrushed skinny images of maxim girls and always up and craving for sex and beer. I’m saying thats how I feel what the media projects to guys. There are guys who aren’t like this at all, just don’t know the exact number of them. What other images are men given? Seriously I want to know. Sorry to sound assuming once again if I do.

I think people are blowing the whole “gay comment” out of proportion. It’s obviously over Cait’s head so don’t waste time trying to prove you’re intelligent :stuck_out_tongue: He wont get it, sadly.

EDIT:What? You totally just agreed with me and then sounded as if you didn’t. I was speaking specifically about girls thinking they have to be at least 10 pounds underweight, not anything else. As a population, guys aren’t that concerned with being perfect weightwise, when it comes to media standards.

EDIT2:And yes I am aware there are overweight men out there worried about their health, who are trying to stay thin, but that’s not what I’m pointing out. I’m pointing out that statistics show that girls are more prone to say “Does my ass look big in this? Omg I need to go on a diet.”

I didn’t want to sound one sided, but theres image problems for both genders. Of course I feel theres more targeting to females really. For my painting exam or our final painting we had to chose an issue we felt strongly about and I picked the image of beauty for women. Its too big to scan though :confused:

I never said there weren’t any image problems for men. Nothing like that at all. I wasn’t even addressing image problems in general. I was explaining myself over why women are more subseptable to become anorexic than men, and why it’s more of a female thing than men thing. I am not out and out excluding men from having social/peer problems that have to do with body image, and I noted that. But since the topic is so broad ranged, I didn’t elaborate on it; I only explained my thoughts about girls, who are more psychologically affected by media than guys.

Gasp. Shocked. Astounded. Never expected in a million years.

Regarding the pictures: Blech!

I think in part, the reason females are more susceptible to anorexia is that there is a more definate stereotypical image of an ideal woman, one who is thin. Very thin. Therefore females have a society imposed picture of what they’re supposed to look like, whereas there isn’t a consistent physical appearance that women prefer because women aroused by visual stimuli as easily as men are.