which is the easiest final fantasy

Only going by what I saw, not the process that created what I saw I have to agree with FFX. My friend has Yuna hitting max (with the damage breaker thing), killing the end boss with one hit.

FFV waqs the easy one for me. Blue Magic will help you always. ^^

FFV?? Cmon, that one isn’t the easiest, It was actually pretty though if you compare it with other FF such as FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX… but then again, this is just me…the hell do i know

Let’s be honest: ALL Final Fantasy’s are EXTREMELY easy. There hasn’t been ANY point in the entire series that made me sweat, except the time I faced Ozma in FF9 without finishing the sidequest, so I couldn’t hit him with physical attacks, while my party was Zidane, Steiner, Amarant and Freya…

Let’s look at it this way:

FFIV: No difficult enemy in the entire game
FFV: Exdeath would be the hardest, and he was a pushover…
FFVI: Kefka meant nothing, and all the dragons were worthless.
FFVII: Sephiroth is a complete turn-off compared to the actions through-out the game, and the American WEAPONs were not that hard if you came prepared
FFVIII: Omega WEAPON was the only challenge, but only took a lot of time, as long as you stayed focused he didn’t pose a true danger…
FFIX: Kuja and Necron were far too easy, and Ozma, when approaching him correct, wasn’t too difficult either…
FFX: Don’t even go there. THE EASIEST OF EM ALL.

Like I said, I think Ozma was the hardest battle under negative circumstances (meaning you didn’t finish the sidequest), while the rest of FFIX was easy as pie…

There is no difficult FF…

Okay, maybe I should correct myself: I haven’t played Tactics, or the PSX remakes of the first three FFs… So I can’t be certain completely, but I think Square isn’t that good at combining good gameplay with difficult enemies or hard puzzles.

Final Fantasy II (J) was also extremely easy if you leveled up using the speed leveling trick early in the game. I leveled up for a couple of hours around the first town maxing out weapons and getting magic to level six and the whole rest of the game I hardly had to level at all. The game was very short anyway. I could be wrong but I think it’s the shortest FF.

VIII I think. Soooo easy to level up.

Go to the underwater research centre with Quistis and lots of Auras. Use Degenerator on everything. Since the most Exp characters ever need is 1000, they willl level up EVERY SiNGLE BATTLE. Easy, no?

FF8 is easier if you don’t level up (much). Far far easier.

Originally posted by Pierson
[b]VIII I think. Soooo easy to level up.

Go to the underwater research centre with Quistis and lots of Auras. Use Degenerator on everything. Since the most Exp characters ever need is 1000, they willl level up EVERY SiNGLE BATTLE. Easy, no?

Yeah that’s what I did with every difficult enemy. I usually did it against that blue snow sabretooth or whatever it was ( can’t remember the name) in the forests near Trabia. Also did on the Islands to Heaven and Hell. Very very useful there. Made the game easy for me =D though I never did it the first time around.

The general rule of ALL FF games is that with certain amount of leevls you can breeze through them all. It involves less skill than, say, Zelda or Resident Evil. More tactics and thinking than reflex and dexterity

First of all, FF6 is not easy! getting a master file insane, it’s hard enough getting your characters to 99, then even if you are max lvl, the Final Boss Guantlet is hatd enough, getting all the Espers and Weapons is a pain in the a*&.

The easiest one(which is also the ONLY bad one) is FFMQ, this game totally sucks. Honorable Mentions include FF7, FF9, and FF10 (and all 3 had good stories for easy games)

im new to the fourm, so i guess ill start posting right here.
well, for me, there we all prety hard, of course i never realy took the time to lvl my chars though. the easyest for me probably is…
8: died a lot, i lvld squall to much and and the rest of my party got killed and that usaly left me with 1v1 with bosses (fun realy) same thing happend on the final boss… but i still end up doing that every time.
9:nova dragon, lvl 40, do the math.
4:though, easy, i still found 7 to be the easyest.
6:i think i was under lvled almost all the time, fougnt atma weapon when i was lvl 24… wish my frend woun’t have lost it 2 months back…
T: if u didn’t use TGC, and at the rate i tend to lvl up at, u were sluaterd on a regular bases.
now y i say 7 was easyest? kights of the round, even then, i found it quite easy and didn’t die to much like the rest of the ffs

I found 7 the hardest, not probably because that was the first FF game I played. I think egnerally all FF games are easy if we’re talking straight out from-start-to-finish. If you mean actually COMPLETING it, ie getting everything there is to get and killing the Weapons/Ozma whatever, it’s rock solid.

:o <br>
Final fantasy 6 was the easiest by far. And i guess 5 and 8 had some hard parts but i found them a little easy also.

I found 9 easiest. Don’t know why, just did.

I thought 8 was the easiest. 7 and 9 were relatively easy. 6 was ok, but had it’s hard parts. I also thought that 10 got easier once you got nearer the end (after Zanarkand), but that’s probably because you had more freedom to level up, collect better equip and things like that. I beat Sin two hits and Yu Yevon in one (normal attack). being able to do that made everything too easy, took a lot of the fun out of it, only the Arena and Dark Aeons put up a fight.

Yeah, the Break damage Limit made everything except dark Aeons far too easy…

Exactly, the thing is, once you’ve beaten the game with characters that strong it’s hard to actually want to play it again. That and the fact that I’ve pretty much done everything in the game, all the secrets, etc. is the main reason I haven’t replayed it.

Generally once I’ve done them I don’t go back to FF games much, except when i want to watch some of the better cut-scenes again.

once i finish a FF game…i usually only go through it again if i’m really bored…

Exacly. It’s not like FF games have any major rewards for repeat playings.