Which FF Character Do You Most Admire?

Right, sorry. It’s all my fault. I need to learn to shut up.

It totally is Cless, let them fight it out.
It’s amusing.
In the same way that watching Bush getting fried by an Irish journalist is amusing. >:)
Also, good to see you back Val. You add a spice to the place, that doesn’t get you banned.

i would love to see that XD

Speaking of cool FF dudes with big swords (or a gublade)

Yes, of course. Seifer is an arrogant, reckless and cruel dumbass mothafucka. And like all bullies, behind that rough façade he is a scared little boy just crying for attention. I think Edea had a PhD in psychology :wink:

“Such a confused little boy. Are you going to step forward? Retreat? You have to decide.”
“Stay back!” (Seifer)
“The boy in you is telling you to come. The adult in you is telling you to back off. You can’t make up your mind. You don’t know the right answer. You want help, don’t you? You want to be saved from this predicament?”
“Shut up!” (Seifer)
“Don’t be ashamed to ask for help. Besides, you’re only a little boy.”
“I’m not… Stop calling me a boy.” (Seifer)
“You don’t want to be a boy anymore?”
“I am not a BOY!” (Seifer)
“Come with me to a place of no return. Bid farewell to your childhood.”

There is a different, more quixotic vision of what this FF bad boy represents though.
He is a misunderstood, frustrated young man, a rebel in search of a cause (Che Guevara wannabe?),
a Knight in the not so shiny trench coat. The desire to fight and be ready to die for his Sorceress - what a moronic concept. But replace Sorceress by an ideology, a country or a loved one; and that almost seems heroic.
But above all, he is a dreamer. And chicks dig that :wink:

Red-blonde hair crowns
A pale but tanned face
Scarred by the mark
Of lightning’s embrace.
Silvern weapon blade is keen,
Cloaked in darkness, shadow sheen,
All too late when it is seen

I do not respect or admire this particular FF dude and I certainly don’t want to emulate him (never mind my handle, that could be my real last name …ha-ha-ha).
But I wouldn’t mind that an infatuated female admirer composed a cute little poem (like the one above) for/about me :wink:

Admire and Emulate: Quina
Role Model I look up to: Auron

Reason for Quina: S/he is very funny and cool. Love for food is a character trait both me(myself) and Quina(the character) share.

Reason for Auron: He is a brave and bad ass character who wears a sake jug. Plain and simple.

FF VI Character I would have to go with Sabin Because he saves the party from Vargas.

FF VII See my Avatar Cloud because of his awesome sword!!!

I Couldn’t pick just one character so I have 2 favorite Characters so tough beans.

I adore completly

Rinoa Heartilly (Final Fantasy VIII) -for her cheerfullness when she should be a depressive pill !
Celes Chere (Final Fantasy VI)- for being so awsome _
Aerith ( Final Fantasy VII)- For having such large mouth xD;;
Garnet Alexandros ( Final Fantasy IX)- I dunno i just do admire her -

Squall Leonheart (Final Fantasy VIII)- For being so awsome
Locke Cole (Final Fantasy VI)- For having the capacity of being a total baka in the bad moments xD
Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)- For erm o-o…looking cool ?
Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX)- For being the idiot he is x)

Amen i rest my case @_@

I didn’t know wanting to bring back the love of your life qualified as being an idiot.

Zidane IS a lovable idiot most of the time, and a funny one at that, that’s probably why his serious moments are so incredibly beautiful.

It’s like being a cute idiot like nii chan said, i mean i find it very cute when he behaves so stupidly because he knows when to behave like that and when to behave normally ^__^;

I meant about Locke, actually. I don’t believe Zildane had any intent of ressurection. Although I could be wrong. I try to pretend FFIX never happened.

While I was confused before, my point still stands. I’ve always believed in this formula:

Locke + Edgar x (Super Saiyan 4 - Overpowered Bullshit) = Zidane Tribal.

Locke is a lot like Zidane during his serious moments, only less poetic and more angsty.

xD; oh sorry i got a little confused. but i really think Locke has that capacity which is erm very good 'cuz well being depressed isn’t much of a help. I love that quote of call me treasure hunter ! ^^;

That theory nii chan is sort of odd O.o

I’d say less pretentious and not that angsty.

[QUOTE=Valkyrie You can’t admire Cloud for a fucking sword. For one thing, weilding a sword that size is utterly impractical. by that time, you might as well be using an actual axe, since his Buster Sword obviously isn’t supposed to use an edge to kill, but the momentum and force it must produce to utterly crush the enemy. And it would be much more efficient to use an Axe then, since it’s both easier to wield, and would be more effective due to its smaller size, and thus the force is directed across a smaller area, and thus does much more damage. It’s like the difference between hitting your head with the flat of a book, then hitting yourself with the spine.

i noticed a lot of other people saying the same thing about cloud, yet you only threw a piss shit about nightmare.

and onther thing…if someone found out they had no past, had what they viewed as a divine mission and that they were some sort of ancient, not to mention just finding out they were an experiment, nothing more…umm…i think your “coping abilities” would not be as good as you seem to think they are arac.

I would admire Barret for being the only playable black character in the FF series, but he’s just so stereotypical that I can’t stand it. There’s also the fact, that, as mentioned, he’s basically the leader of terrorist organization, and as Jessie said…they’ve killed people.

In that case, the only playable characters who can truly be admired in FF7 are Nanaki and Aeris.

Rydia, Cecil, and most of all Vivi are the most admirable characters in the FF series in my opinion. Rydia, because she overcomes the horror of seeing her hometown destroyed, and deals with the trauma (as in the case with deciding to use fire despite her fear of it as a result of that said trauma) in the hope of making the world a better place. She stops being afraid of her powers and learns to trust herself. She even joins the person partly responsible for the destruction of her hometown to fight a greater evil, and she gets through all of this at a young age. Her resilence in the face of heartbreak is something otherworldly.

Cecil for his…redemption I guess. He’s still a killer. I don’t mean to sound cold-hearted, but it’s pretty easy to give yourself redemption without asking forgiveness from all the people you’ve hurt, and just going up a mountain and “forgiving yourself” for all your wrongs. Yeah, so he made up for it, and redemption is a great thing, but he’s just so-so and my opinion.

I dig Vivi for the same reason I find Rydia so admirable. Both of them have to deal with amazing circumstances that aren’t too otherwordly for regular people to identify with. Vivi’s crisis is especially easy to understand. He doesn’t want to die. His fear of that almost paralyzes him, but he still builds up the confidence, through Zidane’s intervention, to press on.

Hey, I admire Barret! If you’re going to use killing people as a reason not to admire FF characters, there might be some NPC without a personality you can admire, but none of the main characters, to my knowledge. Also, Barret would be saving lives in the long run by destroying Shin-Ra.
How is he stereotyped exactly, anyway? I’ve heard this before, but I don’t really see the stereotype. I wasn’t aware of a ‘large black man with a gun for an arm who leads a rebel group and babies his daughter’ stereotype, but I could be wrong.

Everyone has a past. Sephiroth is existed before whatever moment he found that out. That is a past. If he cannot recognize his past as any form of past, he is denying himself, which isn’t really something to admire somebody for.
While I’m sure it’d be pretty disheartening, Sephiroth took things way out of bounds. I’d cope better than he did, I can guarantee that. I’m a pretty laid back guy when it comes to stuff like this, but even if I weren’t, Sephiroth just goes over the bounds of realistic reaction.
You know why Sephiroth really coped so poorly, probably? Because he was FUCKING CRAZY to begin with. I mean, thinking you’re an ancient with a divine mission when you aren’t isn’t exactly somethign to admire someone for either.

EDIT: If you mean Soul Calibre Nightmare, that’s because he weilds the Soul Edge. The fucking sentient, evil sword. It’s easy to weild because it latches on to your soul and takes control of you. It weilds itself. If you aren’t strong enough to meet its standards, you become stronger.
Notice also how Nightmare is a partial demon who is fucking ripped, and also notice how I have bigger biceps than cloud, and am a self-admitted weakling of upper-body strength.

Uh, yeah, I don’t know why anyone would really admire Sephiroth for anything but his fighting ability. His descent into madness over realizing that he’s not who he thinks he is, I can understand and accept. The fact that he decides to massacre pretty much the entire town of Nibelheim and nearly kill Tifa as a result of that madness, only shows what a weak person he is.

Some people actually sympathize with Sephiroth, because of the belief that he was actually controlled by Jenova the whole time. I used to fell a bit bad for the guy too, but even before he got owned by Cloud…erm, Zack (in a completely ridiculous, but cool manner) and thrown into the Lifestream, he massacred an entire town. He did that of his own free will, without any intervention by Jenova so far as I can remember. He may have been a murderous pawn, but in the end, it was his choice. He’s just a jerk to me.

That’s the weirdest thing about it. Half the time he’s cussin’ like a sailor and playing the role of the tough guy with little depth, and then the other half of the time he’s the guy who’s taking care of his “daughter” and trying to do the right thing.

He’s not as stereotypical as the common person from GTA: San Andreas, and the fact that he actually takes care of his kids seems to go against a stereotype, so, eh, I’ll have to agree with you on this one. I’m not very stubburn about my position on most matters, especially if the other view makes sense.

You know, I never really thought about Nightmare and why he could use the Soul Edge, but that makes a lot of sense. Makes me wish I had thought of that. Then again, Cloud’s huge sword wasn’t as big a deal to me as most people, as in, I don’t find it incredibly cool (“Cloud is the coolest because his sword is so much cooler because it’s bigger!”) or incredibly dumb. I had too much fun playing those two games to really think about.

Although, in my opinion, Nightmare’s sword is a lot cooler than whatever Cloud has.

Three words. One Winged Angel.

Um, he ACCEPTS that he has a past Arac. However, he believes he was created in the same way as monsters were created, and it is THAT which drives him mad.
Well, that and I believe his proximity to Jenova helped his descent, since it’d have wanted him insane to help facilitate it’s escape.

And he didn’t think the Ancient thing until after going insane Arac.