when did you first get killed

In Final Fantasy IV: Mist Dragon. I know, it’s stupid. But I was a lot younger than and it was my first RPG :stuck_out_tongue:

Final Fantasy V: Siren. I was very low-levelled and attacked the wrong half of her.

Final Fantasy VI: Deathgaze got me once when I didn’t expect him…

Final Fantasy VII: Never, and finished it in one go the first time I played it because I rented a PSX and not a memory card… Ofcourse, I slept once between playing, but left the PSX on.

Final Fantasy VIII: Never

Final Fantasy IX: Necron got me the first time I fought him.

Final Fantasy X: Seymour, the first battle…

FF1: Lich

FF2: Not Yet

FF3: Mother Rat

FF4: Golbez

FF5: Shiva

FF6: Did’nt die in a battle, crushed by the roof in Gogo’s Dungeon.

FF7: Midgar Zolom

FF8: Brothers

FF9: Kuja

FF10: All the Challange monsters in the arena.

I feel quite weird, I can’t remember a game where I had “never” been killed!
BTW in FFX the first to kick me in the arse was Seymour 1 (because I was stupid), Evrae also kicked me once, and Seymour 2 killed me a hundred times.

cracks fingers

FF1: Imps. that was the first time I was playing the game on NES, with absolutely CRUDDY english skills and the fact I didn’t equip my guys with anything. So okay, the backbelt killed one imp, but still…

FF2: I challenged those guys in Phin. I died. Ooops

FF3: Too many places to die… I think it was the first cave you had to be mini’d to move in. Reason? I had only White/Red Mages as magic users :frowning:

FF4: Baigan. Dark Elf. Cainazzo. Rubicant. Behemoths. Calabrena. Simply MANY.

FF5: Hmm… Kraken/Whatever was in Torna Canal. Galura, Gakimasera, Gilgamesh, Shinryu, Gogo, Omega Weapon–

FF6: Ultros. Kefka. Magitek Armor. Brachiosaur. T-Rex. All the Dragons. That painting boss.

FF7: Rufus. Red Dragon. Demon Wall. All three Turks. Hojo. Ruby/Emerald.

FF8: insert his first attempt in the game where he could not read japanese and thus go pick Quetzacoatl/Shiva or if I had them, equip them and thus even have a chance vs Ifrit. Well, I did beat him, but after running away from every enemy to have max hp for the fight That one FMV where you don’t know which way to go as the FMV shows that the desert prison sinks into the sand. Odin for the first time. (Whoops, didn’t know about the time limit thingy that kills you. THOSE TRIPLES ARE SO GOOD, I TELL YOU… for the point where you first can get to Odin) Ultima Weapon, Omega Weapon, anything on Island Closest to Hell.

FF9: Every single boss on the first disc. No kidding. It was my first time, so I just RAN RAN and RAN forward in the plot. Then I began a new one and died once to Gizamaluke as I wanted the Ice Staff from him :slight_smile:

FFX: Hoo boy… Dark Aeons Otherwise, any enemy with a) Marlboro in it, b) Any battle arena non-regular enemy.

FFT: I must have lost every single plot-fight atleast once during my first run at it in the first chapter… Then again, it was the first PSX FF that I beat. (FF7 on PC. har har)

Hey mabat it seems you and me are about the only people here who got killed or could admit they got killed often in FF8. I am replaying FF8 and I remembered something: Diablos is the first guy to kill me. I always challenge him as soon as I get the lamp.

FF6: Banon got killed and Untros killed me once.

FF7: I always get killed once by that demon wall and the machine loader in the underwater reactor. I hate that cheap move where it picks up your guys.

FF8: Can’t remember specifically bt I have died occasionally.

FF9: I never remember dying, no lie. But I didn’t finish the game either.

FF10: Never died, but I only made it up to Mt. Gagazet.

Originally posted by zolom
Hey mabat it seems you and me are about the only people here who got killed or could admit they got killed often in FF8. I am replaying FF8 and I remembered something: Diablos is the first guy to kill me. I always challenge him as soon as I get the lamp.

Oh YEah. Good Old Diablos killed me too. That little bitch and his ridiculous amount of HP when I leveld up too much when I didn’t know that enemies level up with you…

Ditto with any GF that can be fought, actually :confused:

It’s all thanks to my silly experiements like trying to card your way to get Lionheart on Disc 1/2…

Or to prevent yourself from getting levels so you can use the Stat-bonus abilitites to rack up NICE STATS that won’t need Ultima to be maxed. By carding, you won’t get exp, but AP still flows in. Break ceases both. Running away lowers your salary, so I don’t recommend that.

XCG!!! I had the same problem for AGES in FF7-- until I leveled like, too much :stuck_out_tongue:

FF6: That thing near the beginning with the electric shell … let’s just say I should listen to in-game warnings when they are given.

FF7: cough underestimated the Scorpion Guard cough … can anyone say “loser”?

FF8: Probably Diablos, although I can’t remember.

FF9: Lord Gizamaluke.

FF10: Only compulsory enemy was Symore at Mt. Gagazet. Other than that, Dark Aeons (including Penance) and a few of the Arena enemies (created, not captured)

FF1: Never got that far(Must play that…)
FF2: Stupid soldiers in Phin!
FF3: I got stuck in some warehouse with chests, and the door stayed closed. Never got further.
FF4: Ummmmmmm, I died in that Waterway place.
FF5: Erm, I think I died in that boat place…um, the Fire Crystal event.
FF6: I hate Banon.
FF7: Scorpion Guard. Well, it was my first FF, and Cloud said completely the opposite to what you were supposed to do.
FF8: The machine in the missile base.
FF9: Lich, damn I hate him.
FF10: 1st Seymour. I really hated Oblivion.

FFV: Somewere in the water shrine (what, it was my first ever FF game)
FFVI:Battle with Kefka
FFVII: Demon Gate
FFIX: Kraken
FFX: Never (i think anyway)