What's your background?

im alot of everything really, christian background. I believe God is out there, he doesnt want to reveal Himself to us because we arent perfect because of sin. I hate Sin.

I’m caucasian, Ittalian on mom’s side, American mutt on dad’s side.

I’m not a very spiritual person, but if I had to call myself something, I’d say agnostic.

This is HOW old?

I think i’m partially italian, german, and scottish… maybe?
I’m a mutt…

Atheist, by the way

Family came from Belgium, but you wouldn’t notice.

I’m personally atheist.

This thread is over a year old, jesus fuck.

It is? Shit, I didn’t even notice. S’what I get for not skimming the thread before I post. >.>;

Haha, this topic brings back memories of the days when I used to make one of these polling topics every week.

It was a mildly interesting thread in its time but jebus the thing’s 18 months old. as to the topic at hand I’m still the same bum from missouri.

oh wow, I remember this thread. I’m still a mutt and have no idea what my religious affiliation is.