What're your classes this semester?


Honors Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Then, Art and Technology. That’s all I know that I’m doing.

…Going to middle school is weird. 0-0

We don’t have a separate Archaeology department, Kag. It’s a part of the Anthro department. I believe it’s something like an Anthropology Major with Concentration in Archaeology. Or some such convoluted term.

Archaeology is a subdivision of anthropology anyway.

Med school doesn’t work like undergrad, you have no freedom to take what you want so over the next year and a half I’m looking to take the following:

1-Molecules, cells and tissues - 4 weeks
2-Gas, fluids and electrolyte homeostasis - 9 weeks
3-Life cycle - 3 weeks
4-Endocinology, metabolism and nutrition - 7 weeks
5-Musculoskeletal system and blood - 4 weeks
6-Nervous system and special senses - 8 weeks
7-Host defense and host-parasite relationship (YES!) - 7 weeks (split in the middle in June, restarts at the end of August)
8-Pathobiology , treatment and prevention of disease - 14 weeks

Throughout: physicianship and apprentiship side meetings.

I’m looking at the sheer amount of stuff I’ll have to read alone and the words “oh shit” come to mind. I am suddenly missing my undergrad VERY DEARLY.

Only in most universities. SFU, being one of the formost universities for Archaeological study has desided that just having it being a subdivision to anthropology is very limiting. Blah blah blah.

I am sure glad I don’t plan to be a doctor Sin, I’ve heard people try to sabotage others research by destroying, or keeping books long after they are due back to the libary. =x


I can’t wait to find out what I’m going to do with all my books for my children’s lit class. I’m reading just about everything from picture books to teen novels.

“Cat in the Hat” - Dr. Suess
“Peter Rabbit” - Beatrix Potter
“Where the Wild Things Are” - Maurice Sendak
“Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry” - Mildred D. Taylor
“The Giver” - Lois Lowry
“Zel” - Donna Jo Napoli
“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” - Louis Carroll

This is going to be such a fucking awesome class… I can’t believe that I only took it as an afterthought. With this and my fiction class I’m going to have loads of fun this semester, I think.

Has anybody read “Zel” or “The Giver?” I’ve heard stuff about them- are they actually any good?

I’ve read The Giver. It’s sorta kinda like a children’s sci-fi dystopian novel.

And isn’t it technically Through The Looking Glass, not Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?

Ooh- I love dystopian novels! Huzzah!

Nope. “Through the Looking Glass” is the second book, 984.

I envy all of you for actually being able to choose your classes. x_x Mine are the same as they have been for the past 11 years: math, german, english, french, chinese, bio, philosophy, sports, history, art. Finito. Got rid of physics, that’s the only choice I was allowed to make.

Wow DT, you think you know enough languages? :stuck_out_tongue:

I did not know there were two. Now, the Disney movie is the one based on Looking Glass, right? Maybe that’s what I heard. No matter though.

Anyway, the Giver has alot to do with state controlled job assignments and the literal squelching of dreams. I think I read it back in 5th grade. It wasn’t that bad really.

Not quite yet :stuck_out_tongue: But as I said, I couldnt really choose. Except I was able to drop 2 scientific classes for Chinese, and that’s what I did. Bye-bye, chemistry and physics. <3

You need not envy me as much you envy the others. I’m still in HS and it’s only during my senior year that we have a broad choice of electives. Even then you’re still somewhat limited by your choices in the Math and Foreign Language departments. When I go off to college THEN you can start envying me. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Disney movie is an amalgum of both of the books and original material. I’d say that it’s closer to the first one, really.

We don’t really compete much. If we’re playing a well-sized marching band at a football game, we’ll have a play-off right in the stands. Trouble is, the only band closest to our size is Troy, which we don’t play anymore, and Madison, who are waaaaaaay up north. Although, it’s rare that we do get to play a football team with a band, and we’re pretty much thankful towards any team that brings their band down.

Plus, we make “Dixie” sound fking badass. Yee-haw, motherfks.

finally got my course list! no more wondering! heres what i got.
Advanced Compositin. yay. english.
Physiology. might be interesting. probably wont be.
Principles of American Democracy. I’ll wake up in time for the tests.
Japanese 4. I’d love this class if i werent so damn good. we hardly do anything. hell, i did the final in 15 minutes and still got an A. got a C in the class and i barely did any work.
Auto Mechanics. Intro to computers was full, i guess. oh well.
German 1. i was supposed to take AP statistics, but it was the same time as Jap.4. so i chose japanese. math sucks.

If my fucking schedule would load, I’d tell ya.

Aha! Okay, time for ON THE GO~ translation.

FRA1000 - Introduction To Literature Studies
Object and method of literature studies ; presentation of base concepts ; reflexion on literature as a knowledge field ; study of texts from different places and times of french literature.

My view : Complete fucking bullshit that’s obligatory. Will most likely end up acing this class.

FRA1005 - Text Analysis
Practical learning in small groups of text analysis in literature studies ; individual exercises on texts coming from different places and times of french literature.

My view : WOW! An actually useful class! Too bad it comes 6 years later than I needed it.

FRA1009 - French Grammar
Systematic revision of french grammar, of sentence construction and the nature of words. Grammatical analysis. Logical analysis. Writing notions.

My view : OH. SHIT.

FRA1110 - Introduction to classissisms
Why do certain writers become cultural references? Analysis of various texts, borrowed mostly from the XVII and XVIIIth centuries.

My view : Kickass! We don’t get the XIXth century! GOD I hate that one.

FRA1140 - Introduction to the francophonie (No real accurate word in english…so you get the french one!)
Panorama of the different french literatures : geographic implantation of french literature, notable currents from different cultural spaces, specific questions of literary history.

My view : Pretty cool. I absolutely hate the standard french lit and want to broaden my horizons. This course helps me do both.

All of these are 3 creds, and here’s a side course that doesn’t count, due to it being a make-up course I have to pass if I’m to continue in uni.

530-403-EM - Criticism and Quebecese Media
No desc. availiable.

My view : I flunked the other choice, took this one 'cause it sounded 100 times more useful.

I just forgot to post until now. >_>;

English 20 AP
Study Period
Physics 20 AP
Foods 20
CALM 20 (Career and Life Management. Bunch of bull, but I need it to graduate.)

I think we call it <I>francophone</i> in english, sort of like <i>anglophone</i>. I could be wrong though, because I can’t really infer much from your description.

My classes, at the local Community College (I transfer end of this semester if the winds blow aright)

PSYCH 101 – Intro Psychology – 50% failure rate, apparently, but if I ace all six tests I don’t have to take the final. Not at all like it’s high school equivalent.

HIST 109 – History of Civilization, part deux – Goes from the storming of the Bastille onward. Teacher’s a riot. No prerequisites, so I didn’t have to take the ancient world one first. Damn did I want to take that class.

ECON 102 – Macroeconomics – 'Nuff said.

CS/IS 172 – UNIX/LINUX – Basic stuff, but I want some formal training to a) put on my resume and b) fill in anything I missed, like shell coding.

LING 101 – Intro Linguistics – Fun. Should also be useful for game design.

I have found out that my Myth in Culture class is all based on one extremely small island culture my professor (Dezso Benedek) is like the expert on. The group of people are called the Yami, and their myths/taboos fucking rule their entire life. I’ve only had the class five times so far, and it’s pretty cool. So far we’ve talked briefly about their belief system, naming conventions, how they build their houses, etc.

…and I thought I was done with school :fungah: ! I graduted from college in May with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. I thought I would be able to get an entry-level office job like data entry and work myself up in company, but it just didn’t work that way. I applied to so many jobs, but I only heard back from a few. Those few responsed were rejection letters. So now I am going into a graduate level certificate program in health informatics. Given my past medical problems, I figure I have a good chance at landing a job at the cancer treatment hospital I am a patient at. Even better, one of the proffesors of the program works at that hospital too, so I have my fingers crossed that this networking thing works out. Anywary, here are my classes:

MGS 602: Information Technology

The name of the class is misleading. I thought it would be a basic overview of the field, something I’m relatively comfortable with, but it’s not. It’s a networking class. I’m a bit nervous because my hardware skills are lacking and we have several labs we have to do, but I’m going to give it my all. I’m sure I’ll be visiting the Tech Support forum often with this :hahaha; .

MHI 511: Health Informatics Journal Club

The name of this class is gay, but it’s an interesting class. It’s only one credit hour, and basically what we do is read articles related to the field and talk about them. There’s no tests or anything, so I can sit back and enjoy a class for once.

MHI: 501: Into to Health Informatics 1

This is the first of the core classes in the program. The class itself only has like eight people in it so the tone of the class is much more informal and fun. If anybody would like more information about what health informatics is, let me know.

INF 507: Survey of Information Science and Services

Now this class is really interesting. I for one was not really interested in the growing trend of blogging. However, for this class I have to be. There’s no tests, but we get a bunch of readings and we have to write in our blogs at least twice a week. We also have to do a dreaded group project. Shoot me now please.