What was the first anime you've seen

Probably Speed Racer… though at the time I didn’t think of it as “anime”… Sailormoon I anticipated for 2 weeks! And it didn’t disappoint… hey, in comparison to alot of the other “cartoons” out there? (Though at the time Exo-Squad and the animated Highlander were running in the morning, with Gargoyles in the afternoon… I feel sorry for the kids nowadays who don’t have the same cool shows)


I forgot which anime was my first…ohw ell…I’ll guess…I think it was SailorMoon. -Shrugs - I have the memory of a goldfish…Do they have long memories? Oh well. Anyway, I think it was sailormoon.:hyperven: <—…Dude… O.o —>

I would honestly have to say that Saiyuki and Spirited Away would definitely be on my favorites list.

Otherwise, I am eagerly awaiting the US release of the Naruto anime (as AnimeNation says it doesn’t yet have a license here).
Argh! :stuck_out_tongue:

Although I really don’t care for anime I do watch a couple. My first one that I really enjoyed besides the generic Pokemon, Digimon, DBZ, and Yu-gi-oh! is Akira. That movie just kicked so much ass!

BY THE POWER OF THE MOON AND JUSTICE… or something like that. Sailor Moon was one of the first anime’s I saw. Actually the very first. I used to watch a little kid and we would pretend to be sailor scouts (He was a 7 year old boy O_o;:wink: I was always Sailor moon, and now that i think about it she’s very annoying to me. I personally like Sailor Uranus or Mercury. He always was Jupiter or Mars. Well… I have to go back to class and stop thinking about anime so See ya…

O_o;; I typed alot in a minute… wow… (for me anyways…))

I think the first anime I ever saw was called “Superbook” but don’t blame me, I was only 4 years old at the time… HAHAHAH!

Sailor moon or pokemon probably, i still like pokemon though, damn those cute creatures. Sailor moon is too annoying to watch with the typical girl characters and the typical enemies, or maybe thats because i’ve only seen the dubbed verison? I still like the idea of sailor moon and the costumes and such, my favorite character is sailor mercury ^ _ ^ The first anime i owned was either a couple of episodes of sailor moon or the trigun series which is my favorite series so far.

All I have of an anime collection(dvds of course) is
Akira: Though not a super spiffy special verison doh
Animatrix: I thought that was mostly boring and a little confusing, but there was one of those parts that was good
Ghost in the Shell: I heard that the Matrix had taken some elements from this, i didn’t see that many similarities actually. Interesting though, still probably have to see it a 3rd time to understand that one part at the end with the puppet master(?)
Sailor Moon episodes: sigh it can be so much better
Spirited Away: My mom actually got me this and the art book together, though at first i thought this movie just had a lot of hype to it. Surprise it’s one of the greatest movies and anime movie I’ve ever seen.
Trigun series: I actually had no idea how it was gonna be like, but i saw Vash and he was so cute so i had to get. Lucky the money was well spent too.
Small pathetic collection ain’t it? :frowning: I NEED MORE UWHEHEHe

Originally posted by Chris StarShade
I think the first anime I ever saw was called “Superbook” but don’t blame me, I was only 4 years old at the time… HAHAHAH!

I know that stuff… long time ago, my uncle bought one of the videos. It’s about the Holy Book, isn’t it?

What my very first anime was I can’t remember, but I guess it was Queen of a thousand Years… or maybe Mila Superstar.

Sailor Moon was the first. I was about seven when I first saw an episode of that show. Back then, I liked it. But now…that show just scares me.

~Priestess Aeria~

The first Anime i ever saw was Pokemon…~Blushes~ I don’t watch it anymore thou.

No need to be embarassed. Pokemon was the second one I saw…and the most pathetic and annoying, in my opinion…

Awesome Chii siggy by the way!

~Priestess Aeria~

Hahahaha thanks i can’t help being embarissed,lol. But i think the first adult one i saw was Hellsing.By the way i like ur Chii pic on ur sig aswell :slight_smile:

The first “adult” anime I saw was Bubblegum Crisis, Tokyo 2040. That’s a pretty awesome anime, in my opinion. Especially Priss. She just rocks. Her motorbike is cool, too.

Thanks! ^.^ I did the test on your sig, and I got White Chii. Hm…

~Priestess Aeria~

Cool, for some reason i can’t seem to get onto quizilla at the moment Its just not fair…keeps saying search engine cannot find. Hmmm strange, Anyway…these are the first Animes that i saw b4 i really knew what anime was.
In order:
Sailor Moon…
then after that i looked up the things on the net and found out what they where and was instantly drawn to all Anime.

Originally posted by Mastermune
I dont remember exactly but i think it has to be or Transformers or Tekenman Blade and i like both of them a lot

Quick bit of trivia: The idea for Transformers came from a man from St. Louis, but the animation was done in Japan.

First anime I saw, either Voltron (reruns and waking up obscenely early on Saturday mornings) or Sailor Moon.

umm…I think it was…Speed Racer and Astro Boy…I heart the old amines… :yipee:

~RedWolfBlue:kissy: ~

Ninja Senshi Tobikage, A.K.A, Ninja Robots was my first anime…

First adult anime movie was Vampire Hunter D(I saw all upto Bloodlust) and my first non-movie anime adult one was Pokemon: Lust falls upon the Christmas flower. I watched Hellsing, and thought it sucked…they ripped alucard!!!11!!one!!! and dante!!! Like square ripped Dante! lol Sephirtoh = Dante.

My first adult-anime was plastic little.