What toothpaste do you use?

You’re an idiot

I don’t appreciate your insults.

I think he’s got you there Setz

I told you guys, it’s an outdated map.

Then find one after the war Canada and the US fought over the right to own the great lakes

Then what treaty between the US and Canada has since changed the boundary line?

The treaty that states that the border has updated, and none of you know about it yet.

Yeah, I’ll stop.

You’d damn well better

Anyways, back to the fucking topic.

Toothpaste is sodiummonoflourochloride, right? Isn’t there some toothpastes that are edible? Aren’t they lacking of sodium chloride, but have some other compound in it? Anyone know the name?

Sorry, I was wrong. Sodiummonoflourophosphate is toothpaste. And sodiummonoflourochloride is the edible one.