What the fuck..?

I’ve had an official date when I was 16. At first I was excited about it since, like everybody, I thought dates were the most important part of a teenager’s life and those who passed their teens without a date didn’t have their teens. It lasted really little time. I don’t know if it was bad because I was imature or first timer, but it really scratched my mind. I don’t think I’ll be dating again before getting a colege degree.

In the mean time, I still get along well with people and sometimes hang out, but I don’t want anything serious with anyone.


Boys have cooties.

Originally posted by Phoenix Valkyrie
Boys have cooties.

Eewww, girls!

Am I the only one who thinks this article is a hidden slam at Final Fantasy Tactic’s most worthless team member, Malik?

EDIT: Never mind, Malik was the guy in Wild Arms 3. That was Malak.

Oh well, at least he should have a pretty easy time pleasuring himself. He could cross his arms and no one would be the wiser.

I’ve never had an actual girlfriend either, but meh.

Each time I get close, it fails in some sort of “funny story” that you’d see in those damn girl magazines.

As for dating, if it’s serious, I’d screw it up. If it wasn’t, then it wouldn’t be dating. (IMO)

Love sucks.

Originally posted by Xelopheris
If she has braces and glasses the size of texas, yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, almost all of my “dates” with Sin (after we starting going out that is… we had plenty of “official” dates too - though I don’t really see how that matters) consisted of the two of us playing video games, and sorry, I don’t fit into that stereotype. And anyway, what’s wrong with girls with braces and glasses? Did one of them reject you? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

As for the guys who’ve never gone out with a girl… shrugs It’s not really gonna help by badgering them about it.

And the guy with the penis on his arm… I think a couple ppl have already said it… He peed on an electrical wire. We don’t want his kind to breed :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the guys who’ve never gone out with a girl… shrugs It’s not really gonna help by badgering them about it.

I’m guessing the reason most of the guys who have never gone out with a girl have never bothered to ask a girl out. Hence, they wouldn’t be badgering her about it. Unless I’ve misunderstood what you said and are refering to someone else when you said “them”.

I’m kinda sure she meant badgering the guys because they’re wusses (I.E. me), or just don’t WANT a girlfriend ;p

If she has braces and glasses the size of texas, yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

Does that mean anything? My girlfriend is a “fat chick” (which most people seem to associate with “ugly”), and I love her more than anything. And what do we do together? Talk about video games, RP, and have fun with each other. Since when have appearances mattered that much?

Relationships are based primarily on character. If I had to choose between a “hot” girl that was no fun to be around, or a dog-faced, bearded woman with 5 eyes and no breasts that was fun to play video games with and I could actually feel comfortable with, I would choose the latter.

Don’t take that the wrong way, Miss Astral. I’m not insulting your appearance or anything. And I wish you and Sin the very best together. 8)

Originally posted by Steve
I’m kinda sure she meant badgering the guys because they’re wusses (I.E. me), or just don’t WANT a girlfriend ;p

um, yeah. that’s what I meant. ^^;

And Dalton… I’m not in the slightest bit insulted. I completely agree with you. Appearances DON’T matter. (or shouldn’t, to be realistic) And I wish you and your gf the best… :slight_smile:

w00t w00t w00t
this is how it should be:

having a girlfriend is like having your best friend over at your house, but then it’s more like everyday and you do some other things next to gaming, or combine it with games,