What the fuck..?

Ouch man, you just got burned by Xelo. That sucks.

Originally posted by Sorcerer
Ouch man, you just got burned by Xelo. That sucks.

It’s not really a burn if you’re not insulted :stuck_out_tongue:

… gross.

I’d be pretty insulted if no girl ever wanted a second date with me.

But then, that’ll never happen, so I’m not worried :wink:

I’ve yet to have a first date, like I said, so Xelo’s insult has no point :stuck_out_tongue:

This is just plain weird…

You’re 16 and never been on a bonafide date? Wow. Not even movies, or mcdonalds or something?

sorc was talking about my stab at Xelo , not his at you. I got my first gf at 15 and I went to all boys school 8P.

No I wasn’t ;p


Originally posted by Sorcerer
You’re 16 and never been on a bonafide date? Wow. Not even movies, or mcdonalds or something?

I’ve never been on a true date. I’ve had a couple of girlfriends- only one I would count- no dates though. Unless you count hanging out and playing board games/RPGs as a date.

I’ve gone to McDs and other with chicks (read plural) that weren’t even my gfs more times that I can count and you’re telling me you’ve never even emerged out of your house with a chick that was?

Originally posted by Cybercompost
I’ve never been on a true date. I’ve had a couple of girlfriends- only one I would count- no dates though. Unless you count hanging out and playing board games/RPGs as a date.

If she has braces and glasses the size of texas, yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

My family doesn’t seem to do “true” dates. I never did (I’d go out to a café, maybe). I’ll go out and walk around with them, but we wouldn’t go anywhere.

Mark and Danielle, on the other hand, are worse than me. They just stay up in their rooms… I’m afraid to go in their rooms, sometimes. ><

EDIT: Woah, I just posted and I saw Ren’s post beneath mine. First time for everything. :stuck_out_tongue:

Darwin already ahs a case of someone who died of electrical shock while peeing. The difference is that the guy was peeing on a metalic fence and a lightning hit said fence. Anyway, I think the boy qualifies. The shock might have fried his balls.

I wonder if I could grow a third eye in my forehead with the technique they used…

Originally posted by Xelopheris
If she has braces and glasses the size of texas, yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

Everything’s bigger in Texas. :stuck_out_tongue:

But that’s stereotyping. It’s like saying people who look like that are automatically geeks or something.

Or I’m reading this wrong or something and am wrong. As usual. Anyway, Cala + Sick = Bad.

Ren: no because eyes are highly specialized tissues. All the dude’s new penis is is a lump of flesh, it doesn’t have all the normal things a penis should have like a fucking urethra.

Originally posted by Sinistral
Ren: no because eyes are highly specialized tissues. All the dude’s new penis is is a lump of flesh, it doesn’t have all the normal things a penis should have like a fucking urethra.

I doubt he has the veins and capillaries and other things necessary to bring urine and semen to a urethra, if he had one.

Originally posted by Xelopheris
If she has braces and glasses the size of texas, yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

Neither. And you aren’t even remotely funny. Ever.

Also, if you think thats all we did, then you are naive- but I will protect her privacy even though she most likely does not give me the same courtesy.

Originally posted by Cybercompost
Neither. And you aren’t even remotely funny.

Thus, no date. Just fun times. :stuck_out_tongue: