What is Going to Happen in The Next 10 Years

Post your thoughts about what is going to happen in the next 10 years.
Like a prediction of anything…anything.
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Terrorists Win. Fatality.

Terrorists lose. Friendship.

United States goes the way of the Roman Empire. Once again Christianity wins; damnit!


Canada conquers the world by unleashing the Quebecois, the poutine and our rabid, radioactive beavers upon the unsuspecting peoples of the world.

People die.

The U.S. is going to fall like the Roman Empire, ending the world’s economy and making us go back to the Stone Age…then a new highly advanced civilization emerges( or robots with AI kill us all and conquer ze earth ) :moogle:

insert self-conceited prediction here My band becomes the number 1 chart topper, Ralph Nader finally calls it quits for the green party green day and metallica come out with new albums (good ones), nuclear war erupts, australians are going wtf? but they’ll be dead soon anyways (quote from End of the World) and fianlly, last but not least, Humanity finds a way to make every living being self destruct and makes use of the knowledge.

Stuff. That’s right, stuff is going to happen. You can’t get more accurate than that, now can you?

I’ll be 29. Yeah. Now that’s scary.

Jack Thompson gathers an army of ignorant over raged mothers and sets war on the gaming comunity. The war last for over a 10 years thousands are lost and even more when Jack now self proclamed emperor discovers RPGC and begins the the final battle later to be know as the Extermination.Jack Thompsons reign of terror ends when he is finaly destroyed in a violent last battle with the youngest member of RPGC. Kirokokiri. :moogle:

Well, I get the feeling the whole ruckus with terrorists and the US will continue for a few more years, until either Bin Laden is caught, Bush forced to resign, or moderate Muslims get sick of it all and hunt Bin Laden down and chop his head off.

I think it’ll still take a couple of decades before someone replaces fossil fuels as the power source for vehicles, because of the oil industry’s grip on the industrial system.

Nah, China and other far east countries will become dominant. As if the US really is the end all be all anymore. Five or ten more years and China will already be better than the US.


Someone will blow away Mexico so everyone living on the mexico/states border will have nice beachfront property.

At least two game consoles will some out from all of the big 3 developers, at least 2 more Final Fantasy games will come out (probably 5 more), and I still will never see Nintendo publish a third game in the Mother series.

Also, I will hopefully be married by then and at least be leasing a house or something.

In 10 Years I think we could have learned around 4 or 6 different chinese dialects, there’s 12 mayor dialects and in total 14 dialects, with the minor ones…impossible is nothing - 不可能的是□什麼 .

In the next ten years, I hope I’ll be able to complete my studies, get started in a job, get my own funds and home, and start gathering the means to travel around the world on my own. I hope I’ll be able to have written at least one book by then as well.

china will take over the world leaving none of us with jobs. americans will realize that they are ignorant and that we have the worst education system in existance. hints will be taken from japan on how the US’ economy should be run . . we’ll have a cut throat buisness country and suicide will go up . . . mass suicide will even be a trend. Osama bin Laden will ally with iran and russia to form a new terrorist soviet union. then . . . france will drop nuclear bombs on the rest of the world unexpectedly. becoming the only surviving humans in the universe.

damn those french bastards!!!

oh . . but canada will be spared because evidently being a goober is like being a twinkie. it can last through radiation/nuclear war. many americans overweight and former president clinton will accidently survive unknowingly to anyone else because they both just happened to be at a twinkie factory. for much different reasons.

and sex will go wild. being communist . . france will be able to control their countries breedings. all the ugliest men will mate with the beautiful women. intelligence is revered . . and it so happens that intelligence aint pretty.

my only recommendation for the future is that all you on this site . . promptly move to france!

HEY! :enguard:

I think that scientists will really find out that there are aliens out there, and that we are truely not alone in the universe.

Makes one hell of a sci-fi movie, but imagine what it would be like to have alien ambassadors, diplomatic agreements with other cultures, trade summits, new ideas, interesting peoples, :hyperven: !!

sumthing like Star Wars( Homer: Mmmm…Slashing People With Lightsabers)