What is Going to Happen in The Next 10 Years

I will be 33 years old(ten years from this November) and all of my hair will be white from premature graying(which I actually do have now, but only about 3 percent of my hair is white) And the Bengals, Reds, Cavaliers, and Blue Jackets will win championships in their respective major sports(I doubt the latter will happen, that’s more of wishful thinking on my part.) LeBron James will go down as the greatest baller of all time until someone else steps to the court. Wal-Mart will unfortunately take over the world and force all children to do sweatshop labour by the age of three. Me and some other people will attempt to rise up against the Wal-Mart government, only to be shot down or captured and forced to do sweatshop labour as prisoners of war.

Furries get tired of everyone laughing at them and take over the world. Animality.

The whole world is destroyed by nuclear war and the cockroaches inherit the earth. Brutality.

Friendship? Again?

Battlestar Galactica.


  • Oil supplies drop or level, but skyrocket again as populous semi-developed countries like India and China obtain better car access for their general population
  • The health industry booms as a generation that spends much more of their time watching TV or in front of the computer have problems (maybe longer than 10 years for this one; 20-40 perhaps)
  • Manual labour jobs are decreased and things that formerly relied on manual contact are more regularly done through computarized telephony; possibly lobbying for changes
  • Things like traffic control become more computerized and possibly auto-pilot programs developed for automobiles
  • The Internet gets more porn

We will see the beginning of the end of the oil industry, during the next 10 years.

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children finally comes out.

Fine, I guess I need to finish the MK references.

A new generation is born. Babality.

I may start a cult…

Then you’d have to change your name to Cultis! Ha! Ha! Ha!

I hope to be out of college. Also I will older which could be good or bad depending on the way you look at it. :dancer: