What have you done to yourselves!

Hmm… Looking back at it, my life has been so up and down that I could have made a living hiring myself out as a yo-yo.

Had a decent job in telemarketing, but the pay kinda sucked so I had to quit.
I also had a nice student apartment that I shared with a friend, but I had to move after my studies went down the drain, his were finished and he went looking for a better apartment. I moved to a really nice one though it was fucking stressful at the time, since I didn’t find this new apartment until maybe a month or so before I was supposed to move out of the old one.
Not knowing where you’re gonna live in a month, or even if you will have anywhere to live then does not give you happy-joy feelings.
So at around that time I had to quit my internship as janitor at a store/workshop because of a depression. After… Well, can’t really call it therapy, but some talking with a psychologist I got back on the right track. (And as a side effect I also found out that I am apparently really smart and that I have a mild autism spectrum disorder.)
After/during that time I’ve been mostly unemployed and this spring I got assigned to some project for unemployed people through which I got another internship. This time at the local mini-golf course.
That was this summer, and it ends today. So I’m going over there soon to say goodbye.
Now I’m gonna start studying again. Need to study some extra math and physics at the university so I can apply for the education I really want, and if that goes well I’ll be working with computer (game) programming in a few years.

So yeah, up and down all the time.
Definitely on my way up higher than before this time. (Which will make it even more “fun” when I fall down again. >_>)

Custodial work. Nothing exciting but it pays the bills and has good medical, should I ever need it.

I look forward to finishing my novel and collecting a bit 'ol heap of rejection notices from every major, minor, and teeny-tiny publisher in the country… And every other english-speaking country for that matter. (hell I would send out to the non-english ones too if the submiaaion process didn’t take so much time and energy)

Sounds like two steps forward, one step back…which is better than the opposite. Good luck with programming. It’s a banging market.

Hey Poke! Nice to see you again! :wave:

Your case sounds much like mine, except that I lost my job due to epilepsy. At least I own my own house.

The good news is that it seems my study grant has been approved, so I’ll be going back to college on January. After that, we’ll see.

Like these guys say:

Good luck!

Yeah, it’s going forward. But I’d say it has rather been five steps back, six steps forward. :wink:

Hey, Wil. I’m back again (again, again, again… Again). :wink:

They always forget the toaster plugged in or something, so they’ll always come back. Again. Again. And again.

(Second internship get!)

Also, with regards to topic in question:

Meh, good enough, I guess