What has everyone been watching this year?

Just finished watching Z Gundam.

It was awesome. The ending was very fitting.

And the Qubeley is awesome :smiley:

I can see why they call Tomino Kill’em all Tomino. He pretty much killed the entire female cast, except for Fa >_>. Did Kamille go insane cause of Sirocco? And I assume Haman will make a re-apperance in ZZ Gundam?

Sirocco’s newtype “aura” (dunno what you’d actually call it) was too powerful and it left Kamille retarded. =/ I haven’t seen ZZ yet, but I can only assume she does as Neo-Zeon is involved.

Dunno if I mentioned this in the thread before, but I recently actually watched Fullmetal Alchemist. I’m at episode 30 now, and I actually am enjoying it.

Full Metal Alchemist gets so amazingly intense. Its awesome.

Yep, FMA is awesome.

Still waiting for a proper rip of the Movie :confused:

I was surprised with just how gory it is. Well, how sort of gory it is. I had expected it to be a more kiddy show, but it’s great :slight_smile:
That, and the first opening theme is my favorite.

I prefer the 4th opening theme, Re-Write :smiley:

Asian kung-fu generation is a great band. Nuff said.

Yeah, Rewrite is an awesome song.

I’m watching anything i see anymore…i need dvd’s -.-’. But one of the most recent that i noticed was Yu-gi-oh G/X or somethin like that. Sad i know but i find it entertaining when i still have my allowance by the end of the day.

Once I hit episode 31 in FMA, I got angry.
31-51 are still only subtitled, I can’t find the dubs anywhere, so I’m forced to watch the subs… I miss al not sounding like a girl :frowning:

Kare Kano.

God-damn right it is. It’s only the best MS ever period ever.

Haman appears in ZZ Gundam, yes, and is fairly important, as far as ZZ Gundam goes. >.<