What do you think are the most surreal games?

I would seriusly put a vote in for the Silent Hill series, that was just damn “trippy”!

But I would also have to say that I felt that the Summoner series, was rather “trippy”, or at least it was to me.

Originally posted by Sinistral

Well maybe LSD-25, but I doubt the inpure crap around today wouldn’t do much.

Silent Hill is a bizarre game, but I wouldn’t say it’s trippy… It’d be a bad trip, if anything. I’d rather just say it’s a good game.

I played a text-based game of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy that was pretty trippy

They posted that online somewhere…i used to play it all the time, but cant remember the link…

Originally posted by Heaven’s Soldier
I would seriusly put a vote in for the Silent Hill series, that was just damn “trippy”!

SH is more trippy in the scaring-the-life-out-of-you way than the ooh-look-at-all-the-pretty-clours way.

Originally posted by Pierson
er. eh? It doesn’t look like an RPG to me.

Nonono he said goto #rpgc, someone there could help you find it, and by that I mean for free. studio64.yi.org if you have mIRC or one of the other IRC connection programs, and if you just use the java, it’d be /join #rpgc once you’re connected. I think the java works like a normal IRC program.

Surreal, you say?

Say hello, Alice.

Aaaaah! 56K death!

Doesnt it suck to have cable and all :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, Alice was just plain WHACKED out

I forgot about that.

Disney should get in touch with McGee…

Oh. Yes. Because the current Disney rendition of Alice in Wonderland isn’t druggy enough for potheads to laugh at at 3 AM. Maybe they could also redo Fantasia. That movie seems too sober if you ask me.

Oh man Alice was an awesome game! I can’t believe I forgot that… Yeah Alice was like the original, only morbid, so it’s extra cool. I can’t wait for McGee’s version of the Wizard Of Oz.

Originally posted by Pierson
Disney should get in touch with McGee…

There is supposed to be an Alice movie, actually… lets just see if they ever get around to it. -_-

The perfect freaky collaboration would be between H P Lovecraft and the Magic Roundabout, because Dougal needs to devour humanity.
I need to stop reading Call Of Cthulhu. But I can’t, damnit! Help meeeeeeeeeeeee!