What do you think are the most surreal games?

You know, games that give you a feeling of unreality. Like it would be real but isn’t. “Trippy” sorta stuff.

I don’t know why, but the Might and Magic series always had that sort of quality. Maybe it was the metaplot or something, but it always seemed surreal.

Spot the LSD: you have a big sheet of paper and you have to take turns to spot the LSD with your tongue, only 1 tongue spot per person per turn. The person who gets “trippy” wins.

Shadows of Destiny. Your character dies alot, and he’s brouhgt back to life by a being called Homunculus. You’re given a small time machine to go back in time and prevent your own death. You go as far back as 1500 something I think.

Sin, I dont’ want to know where you learned that, but the insinuations arent’ good.

I think that unreleased Splatterhouse game for the NES is pretty unreal.

At one point, there’s this girl lying on a table, and suddenly, her chest bursts open and an assload of spiders flies out. After you kill them all, her chests closes up, and the girl gets up, yawns, and walsk away.

NiGHTS into Dreams for the Sega Saturn. Imagine a racing game where you fly around, try to paraloop little monsters that get in your way, collect blue orbs to destroy a giant machine, and all the time drug induced music is playing in the background. THEN you get to fight a boss that is generally some drug induced creation like a cat that bounces around on top of exploding mice or a fat rabbit Opera singing bouncy ball. All this time, the levels are so bright and vibrant with such surreal colors that it’s just wow. I can’t think of any games to give an example of the colors because I don’t think any exist.

It’s hard to describe this game. It really is. This might help a little. http://www.megat.co.uk/museum/pictures/Fan%20Creations/montage-medium.jpg

Myst always felt surreal to me, but my conception of surreal might not quite be the same quasi-drug-induced one others are citing.

Silent Hill 2
You know it couldn’t happen, but it’s so fucked up it is kinda believable.
I mean… lookit some of the enemies

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Internal Section. Kinda like what 984 described, only in a giant caleidoscope.

I agree. Silent Hill was the first game that sprung to mind for trippiness. Although I played a demo of Rez once - that seemed quite euphoric as well.

Isn’t that the game with the “trance vibrator”?

If it is, I can figure out where the “euphoria” came from.

I think System Shock 2 would qualify, and I’d say System Shock 1 would too if i had ever played it.
Edit: If you’ve never played SS2, you can dl it from here . If that doesnt work just go here and search for system shock 2.

Have you ever tried completeing Ikaruga on one continue? That turned me to a quivering wreck, but I always came back for more strait after.

It’s something to do with the booming heroic music I think.

Koudelka felt a bit surreal if only because of the monster designs…you gotta love the poltergeisted tables and chairs.

Rez. That was the game with the trance vibrator.

Oh, adn Steve, what hosting are you using? None of my piccies ever show up.


Actually, the XBox would be the one that seems to make the most sense if they ported NiGHTS. NiGHTS came with a special 3D pad that in retrospect seems to have been what the DC controller was based off of. And since we all know the XBox controller just stole the DC controller design, the system with the controller best suited for NiGHTS would be the XBox.

Originally posted by Megaman984
Actually, the XBox would be the one that seems to make the most sense if they ported NiGHTS. NiGHTS came with a special 3D pad that in retrospect seems to have been what the DC controller was based off of. And since we all know the XBox controller just stole the DC controller design, the system with the controller best suited for NiGHTS would be the XBox.

Nah, GC has much better stick and the button placement isn’t as crap.

And it’s not crap.


Cool Spot.

Originally posted by Pierson
Oh, adn Steve, what hosting are you using? None of my piccies ever show up.

I just linked to the pictures from some site I found. I love taking the bandwidth of those I don’t know ^^