What are your college plans?


EDIT: Deleted by Arac

So a typing oversight is ok, but a conjugation oversight is worthy of a paragraph or two of ridicule?

EDIT: Deleted by Arac

No Law Office of Merlin & The 984? :frowning:

Can I be upgraded to partner now?

No. At most you’re the junior associate.

lower lip starts to tremble
I’m going to go out for a second, I. . . snif. . . I’ve just got something in my eye, that’s all. . .

4 year private college. Double majoring in Mathematics and Japanese.
Going for summer abroad this summer and next.
Hopefully grad school after that.

Wait, wait, aren’t you one of the few posters here younger than me, Kairi? Are you going off to college at, like, 14? Or am I mistaking my cute-japanese-name members again?

You are mistaking your cute-japanese-name members again. Kiro is younger than you. ^^
I’m 19, in my sophomore year of college.

I typed this and thought, “I sound so mean, and upset. I think I’ll make it better by putting a smilie in the middle.” Cause that really makes everything better.

Thank you, my apologies for the mistake. Don’t worry, I always sound mean over the internet. Then again, I usually say pretty mean things, too, though.

Most of the undergrad teachers speak decent English

Am I to assume most of the undergrad teachers speak English as a second-language?

Yeah, I know about Western New York winters. The first semester I was at Geneseo it snowed in April, and my roomie said it occasionally snows in May as well.

Whoa, what’re you possibly going to do with that? Besides teach math in a Japanese university, I guess :confused:

I was planning on double-majouring in East Asian studies, with a focus on Japan/Japanese, too. Not because it would have anything to do with my Law career, but in case that didn’t work out, I could always go teach somewhere or go to Japan and translate porn like every idealistic Gaijin who goes there to get a job. :slight_smile: