What are you taking?

My first semestre will consist of Ex. Phil and Ex. Fac: They’re courses meant to prepare you for continued studies at the University.

I’m in the languages programme, so it’ll be something to do with languages in literature. English and Japanese, I imagine.

stat class, linguistics, life span developmental psych, trying to get into human stress (another psych class) or a criminology class (called something like media and cyber law, but’s it’s pretty full)

Biology and Lab (freshman level)
Contemporary Literature
Technical Writing
Speech and Public Speaking

French 3
English 2
Human Geography AP
Art 2 AP

This semster I am taking the following units:

Computer Architecture 219
Operating Systems 305
Mathematics 218
Software Engineering: Design 200

Nothing too hard so far!

My luck wont hold out :stuck_out_tongue:

Flint: Your life is so going to suck.

Nah, it already does.

Currently studying for ym Diploma of Networking, which includes, but not limited the the following:
<ul><li>Networking (IE. getting my CCNA or whatever)
<li>Programming (C++, Java, Vb, Mysql, more may come next year)
<li>Multimedia (HTML, Flash, photoshop)
<li>Client Support (Documentation, System Analysis)

Im not sure on my subjects for next year, but once this Diploma is done, I’m getting my diploma of programming, and then I’m gunna grab one for Multimedia. :slight_smile:

Advanced Japanese Abroad
Advanced Geometry
Advanced Algebra II w/ PreCalc.
Mythic Literature
AP Euro. History
Intro to Quantum Physics
Applied C++ Programming and 3D Engine Design

The only two classes that I will like are the first and last ones; mostly because I get to go to Japan (Okinawa, Tokyo, and Shikoku) and I get to design games all year long, which I have been doing for a year already.

I wish we had classes that good Kyuu ;_;

Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker
[b]I’m not supposed to know my classes yet, but I have an inside connection. Meaning, I asked one of my teachers. =P

I know for sure I’m taking:
Global Studies

What I’m HOPING I’ll get is:

Criminal Justice

Coupled with my likely nomination for Student Council again, and a busy school year is gauranteed. [/b]

Psychology and biology are very interesting subjects.
English should be a piece of cake for you, right?
Global Studies… Hmmm… I don’t remember that subject. I didn’t have it.
So far, how many of those subjects have you had? Which ones will you be having for the first time?

What instrument do you play, Dai?

Computer Programming 1
Advanced Algebra & Trig
Intro Multimedia (???)
Spanish 3 (again -_-)
11th Am lit/Cmp H
Physical Science
AP US History (YAY)

I’ve signed myself for a lot of punishment this fall semester:

MWF BA 210 Cultural Dimensions of Business

TTh BA 220 Dimensions of International Business

       CMP 311 Advanced English Compositon

       MIS 305 Software Design/Visual Programming

T MGT 501 Global Competitive Frame Work

MGT 501 is a Masters level course that requires at least a “B” grade. I managed to get into in because of my higher than 3.0 GPA and gained entrance to the excellerated Masters program.

I’m not the best writer in the world either and I’m scared shitless about taking CMP 311. I hear the instructor slashes letter grades on papers for each very minor punctuation problem like a misplaced comma :eek: .