Well, i am finally 16....

Did you even turn 18 yet?

Turning 21 isn’t even that great. Underage drinking is much more fun.

Remember this kiddies! The older you get, the more responsibilities, stress, bills, work, and general pains in the ass you will get. Enjoy your youth while you can! Stop being so angsty! All your high school problems are bullshit compared to the stuff you’ll go through in the real world. Live it up while you can still do it without consequences!

Thank you. Steps down from soapbox.

Depends on the state. In PA, it’s 6 months (and 50 hours experience) between your permit and your liscense.

I never understood the fascination with 16 to drive or the fascination with 21 to drink. When I was 15 I knew I didn’t want to grow up. I wanted to stay with the small amount of responsibility kids get. I knew life would just get more difficult as I got older.

Um yay happy belated birthday and such?

i think the idea was to congratulate him on actually making it this far :slight_smile:

  1. I am distressed greatly to know that you’re older than me. Really. Damn it. Everyfuckingone I chill with is older than me, and even young members on messageboards I go to are older than me. This is getting serious. I’m going to have do some serious time-stream-up-fucking to age myself or something.

  2. The nature of this thread, insinuating a license is necessary to drive, fills me with fits of racking, malignant laughter.

  3. 16’s a semi-important year in Colorado. Age of Consent, and age at which you may apply for early emancipation from parents. Also the age at which you can drop out, and the age at which, with parental authorization, you may legally own or purchase weapons, with many, many, many restrictions. I think it’s basically just hunting bows and those fucked up that aren’t really BB guns but for damn sure aren’t actual firearms either.
    So you get a lot of rights that you won’t use much, probably.