Water on mars?

Fuck that. Let’s talk about water in New Orleans. Those people are about to get fucked. Discuss.

Fucked in the water? Like hippies having sex in some river back at Woodstock?

Like the biggest hurricane to hit the US in recorded history.

Oh, sorry. I’m not the kind who keeps checking for such news, and the way you said me made me think of something else.

k, let me just get this out of my system…



In all seriousness, yes, they’re screwed. They’re predicting the entire city to be under ~20 feet of water, since the entire area is shaped like a large bowl. Some people expect the city to be leveled. I was watching on TV, and they were putting people into their local stadium, the SuperDome, for shelter. So…what happens when that thing collapses, or the dome system fails and the water comes in? Seems really dumb.

But whats even dumber is that anyone at all is even in the city. Right now on CBS they’ve got some fire chief saying “if you see a fire, we can’t come do anything, don’t bother calling 911 or the police. the winds are too bad to get cruisers ambulances or trucks over to you.” Why would you want to stay in a situation like that? Are you stupid? The residents of Louisana should’ve been on their way out of town early this week, when the storm was first called.

tl;dr: new orleans is fkkd

The Mayor of New Orleans ordered the evacuation of the whole city. My guess is that most of the city will be destroyed.

More info here: http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/08/28/news/storm.php

This Hurricane could also cause gas prices to soar according to the Kansas City Star newspaper. I can’t post the site bcause it says to register so here is the article:

MIAMI - (KRT) - New Orleans stood dead in the path of Hurricane Katrina, but the entire nation will feel the brunt of the powerful storm if oil and gas operations in the Gulf get whacked.

Roughly 30 percent of the oil and gas consumed in the United States flows along pipelines or is hauled in on tankers and barges in the Gulf Coast.

A major hit would disrupt fuel shipments and send prices soaring even higher right before the Labor Day holiday, when more than 34 million Americans are projected to hit the road.

The impact was immediate Sunday night on the New York Mercantile Exchange, as crude oil futures spiked $4.50 per barrel, putting the cost above $70 for the first time since oil began trading there in 1983. Every additional $1 per barrel translates into more than 2 cents in the price of a gallon of gasoline. Gas prices already are up an average 83 cents a gallon this year.

Monday morning, take every penny in your wallet and invest in oil, because the hurricane is projected to come in in the heart of the gas and oil port,'' said Ted Falgout, director of Port of Fourchon, a key oil and gas hub that sits 60 miles south of New Orleans on the Gulf of Mexico.Prices are going to go up.’’

Florida in particular would feel the impact: As much as 90 percent of the state’s gasoline arrives by ship from oil refineries along the Mississippi River.

Gov. Jeb Bush warned the fuel supplies at Florida ports, which seemed ample on Friday, now will not be enough in view of an expected shutdown of the refineries off the Louisiana coast.

There are localized fuel shortages and my expectation is those will continue,'' he said.We’re encouraging people to use fuel responsibly and leave fuel for their neighbors.’’

It's not going to be pretty,'' said Jim Smith, president of the Florida Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association.We’re totally dependent on that water-borne route.’’

Smith and other experts said Katrina risks damaging three key links in Florida’s fuel-supply chain:

_The region’s oil production comes to a halt, crimping the normal flow of crude. Off-shore oil rigs pump crude oil from the floor of the Gulf of Mexico - 1.5 million barrels a day, the equivalent of what we bring in from Saudi Arabia.

And much weaker hurricanes have caused lasting damage to the metal structures. In fact, some are still off-line from Ivan last year and from Dennis, which hit in July.

_Imported oil can’t get into the ports. New Orleans is a key southeast port with facilities to accept super-tankers , making it an important source of foreign crude. Much of that fuel is pumped from off-shore platforms to New Orleans through underwater pipes.

_Refineries, which convert crude oil into gasoline and diesel fuel, are hampered from operating. Refineries in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi all are imperiled by Katrina, and most have likely already shut down production in order to brace for the bad weather.

Even brief shutdowns in advance of a storm can cause supply disruptions.

Already oil production in the region has essentially been shut down as platforms button up operations in preparation for a potential hit.

Chevron and Exxon Mobil shut offshore oil and gas production and evacuated staff as Hurricane Katrina approached. Valero Energy and Chevron shut down refineries, and the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port closed its onshore pipeline.

The possibility of a Category 5 hurricane hitting a major fuel port has industry executives warning of more serious, long-term turmoil.

``If damage is extensive - to platforms, to pipelines under the sea and to the connections of pipes - the impact is longer-lasting,’’ said John Felmy, chief economist at the American Petroleum Institute, in Washington, D.C.

Sidney Coffee, executive assistant to the Louisiana Governor’s Office for coastal activity, said the poor condition of the region’s wetlands has left the oil pipelines more exposed and thus more vulnerable to damage by a hurricane. ``Many of the pipelines are open to conditions. There’s going to be a lot of damage,’’ she predicted.

The loss of life is the main worry, and we hope that won't happen. But after that, everybody is going to be worried about oil.'' She added:With gas prices where they are already, now what?’’

Smith, of the Florida petroleum group, said crude oil supplies don’t worry him too much - the United States government keeps a 30-day supply on reserve for emergencies - but that a string of damaged refineries would leave the nation short on processing capacity.

``There’s a huge amount of refineries that are going to have to go down,’’ he said.

Federal air-quality regulations add to the complications. Gas stations in six of Florida’s most populous counties - including Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach - are required to sell high-grade fuel to comply with local air-quality regulations, Smith said.

Those rules limit the flow of fuel from many Northeast ports, but the federal Environmental Protection Agency often waives the regulations when Florida’s fuel supply tightens. In fact, as Hurricane Katrina approached South Florida, the EPA agreed to such a waiver in anticipation of fuel shortages.

Smith said he was more concerned about the public’s reaction to the potential fuel squeeze, since gas worries often lead to gas hoarding.

With forecasters eyeing two Atlantic weather systems as potential tropical storms - and with many South Florida gas stations shuttered or empty in the wake of Katrina - fuel is bound to be a concern in the coming days.

He said Florida currently has a 10-day supply of fuel ``as long as everybody doesn’t panic and go nuts.’’

It might have been a good idea to build a city there centuries ago. It’s an awful idea to live there nowadays and not accept the simple facts of geography that cry for a deluge.

Well, I’ve read in Scientific American (I think it was an issue from 2003, might have been from 2004) that the nearby area there in Louisianna is sinking fast. I then took a look at it with Google Earth, to see the geography of the place. Elevation, water bodies nearby…

Fucked does not describe the situation accurately. You need a more intense word if any a hurricane is going there. And this one is a special one.

“Big Easy” might be just that word.

Or “Noah”

Guys, check this out. Someone posted a live feed to New Orleans local news channel on 4chan. Its pretty cool to watch their local TV, and watch their officials nearly shitting their pants :stuck_out_tongue:


I click on the link and it automatically closes. :frowning:

They may have gone down. I was watching it fine a few minutes ago, and now it refuses to load :x

I have family (a half brother and his family) in LaPlace, LA. They relocated to my aunt’s house in Arkansas about a week ago.

How about they’re buttshagged?
It’ll be a great loss. Let’s hope someone up there wakes up and realizes that jazz isn’t really all that bad.

If BBC’s News reports are to beleved… It could be very bad.

It’s an act of god…

Yeah, I saw stuff about that on the new this morning (Why I was watching the news? Because I was bored and there was nothing on.).

I’m a bit worried because my mom has friends there and I don’t want anything to happen to them.

I’m watching CNN INT (Showing CNN USA), and I’m wondering whom of the RPGC’ers live near there?


It’s Gods way of slowly starting up the END TIMES and DAMNATION of the United States!

Move to Canada, not even God knows were that is! :stuck_out_tongue:


Man. I feel bad for the 9-10k people in the superdome in New Orleans.

It did a lot of Damage to FL. 1.2 million are without power, and that was when it was a Cat 1. Luckily I live in Orlando and was not touched by it.