Water on mars?

Accorfing to CNN World News Asia Team It’s a just now a Cat 3… still dagerus.

That Bloke in that hotel is a laugh. And The Hotel still has Cable that Receives CNN, Strange…

It is NOW a category 3 hurricane. When it made landfall it was a category 4. While that’s still bad, at least it wasn’t the 4th cat 5 to make it to the US. Aparently the roof of the superdome peeled off at least partially.

I don’t. What kind of morons trap themselves in the middle of the storm when they got enough time to sprint? Still, my condolences for the losses of everyone with enough brains to get the fuck away.

My Question is Why do Some US Reporters decide to take time and Film to “Post” a letter? And end up on their Face… (From CBS-4)

Pity That UK’s Market’s are off today… but BP be going up tomorow…

Can’t leave if you have no money to do so.

It’s been a lot of time since the hurri was announced, if they had walked away from the start they’d already be far enough. And having no money in New Orleans shoudl’nt be very different from having no money somewhere else.

Eh, I’d get pissed at you for this, but you don’t know. Most of them are either too old to leave or have no way of leaving. Believe me, I highly doubt anyone wanted to be trapped in a fucking stadium during a hurricane.
Think before you speak.

At 1:00 ET? (6PM UK) The Bloke at CNN (USA) Weather Center said the its downgraded to a Cat. 2.

Does it mean Katrina will be name of a rain storm soon?

Too old to leave sounds more like “we don’t want these people around, so let’s just let them in the middle of the disaster.” And unless someone would be so bedridden in a hospital or at home that they couldn’t be removed due to the need of medical stuff (like breathers, artificial heart etc.), I think everybody had a chance to run. If they made it to the slaughter hou… I mean, stadium, they could have made it to somewhere else farther.

By the way, do you know why all hurricanes are named after women?

They come hot and umid and when they leave, they take away your car and home with them.

That would be funny if all hurricanes were named after women.

Well this morning my mom had the news on (KY3) and the anchor said that the Hurricane was touching down in Nebraska (NE). I guess he did not realize he made the mistake. But later on he starting to say the right state.

I don’t quite know how to respond because of how retarded your statements were Ren. You can’t just take a walk on the highway for dozens of miles to protect yourself. You get picked up by the cops. To even undergo a journey like that you need money for food and lodging and you also need to know where the fuck you’re going. You need to be able to plan for it. Organizational skills. And furthermore, if you’re going on such a journey, you need a lot of physical stamina and you need good preparation and drive. These are all things which poor and disadvantaged people DO NOT have.

Okay, alright, you win. It’s not their fault that they stayed there then, and we should pity for them.

So, how’s the situation there right now?

It seems I really got a lot of facts wrong, I was under the impression that your cities organized actual shelters and evacuation programs. I apologize for my past statement.

What about poor families with children? If they can’t leave the city by conventional means because they either don’t have the means or all the ways out that are within their means have been occupied, what’re they supposed to do? And how in the HELL are you going to throw out a tent outside if you have hurricane winds of 130+ miles per hour that are able to rip off the roof of the superdome, not to mention the fact some places are under 10+ feet of water? The problem with setting up shelter systems is that they cost billions of dollars to make and then even more money to maintain. A lot of people are hesitant to make these kinds of investments on events that “might” happen when more immediate problems need to be fixed.

Also, let’s talk about planning ahead. Let’s say that I am this guy that keeps track of hurricanes. I see a hurricane coming in about 7 days. It has plenty of time to move out of the way. Do I tell my employer every time I see one that MIGHT come by that I need to take a 10-14 day vacation? Do I disrupt the lives of my family every time that happens? Can I afford to miss all those days of work EVERY time a hurricane comes by, in addition to being able to afford living elsewhere? No. The fact of the matter is, usually, you get the fuck out when you know you’re gonna get hit and that doesn’t leave you a lot of time and conditions get a whole lot more interesting when you consider how essentially in cases like New Orleans, you have 450 000 people trying to do the exact same thing at the same time.

CNN Loves WFOR… And the Bloke in the yellow MAC…

We in UK don’t get That much wind much… or it never too long and over a big area…

We need a few good natural disasters.

Thin the herd a little bit.

Uh, we do? Where do you suggest we put a city of ~1million people? In our secret underground hideout? A sports arena and highschools are honestly the best thing we (and probably the rest of the world) have.

And in all fairness most people didn’t leave because LA (louisana) gets hurricanes all the time. Normally, they’re not this bad and the people just ride them out. And in all fairness, this hurricane looked like a normal one until friday night. So its not like people got that much advance warning. Sure, they got the standard “hurricane alert”, but it wasn’t until the day before it hit that they got a “HOLY FUCK TAKE COVER” alert.

We get wind almost every day in Kansas. We don’t have hurricanes, but we do have tornadoes with wind speeds up to 300mph every once in awhile. A few weeks ago we had winds during a storm that was powerful enough to take sheets of tin that are about 15 pounds and throw them 1/3 of a mile.

We’ve have about 2 or 3 of those days here but then it only thow them several yards…

I think Uk’s Last Hurricane was in 1986… And The Word from the BBC/Met Office was “Don’t worry there won’t be one, but there will be some Stong gusts…” Michael Fish.

There was even an old Lady said there would be one… (Then there’s one about Birmingam was not safe from strong winds…)