<img src=“”> He flipped out, but failed to cut off his head. Some ninja.
I can hear the media violence activists rioting…
Sick. Very sick.
And the judges name was ‘Justice’?
Buh, some stupid people -_-
Did I hear the word “stupid”?
Points to quote in sig
Man, this is really wearing my arm out…
Originally posted by Kain
I don’t think this guy was “stupid” so much as he was “bat shit insane”.
He sure wasn’t a stealthy ninja eh?
Originally posted by GG Crono 4
I don’t think this guy was “stupid” so much as he was “bat shit insane”.
Meh, stupid, insane…they’re close enough for me :hahaha;.
The exception of course would be legal instanity, but that’s a whole other ball of wax.
Ninjas are mammals.
Ninjas fight ALL the time.
The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
Originally posted by Frameskip
Ninjas are mammals.
Ninjas fight ALL the time.
The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people. [/b]
LMAO - that website was actually the first thing i thought of after i read this.
Originally posted by Frameskip
Ninjas are mammals.
Ninjas fight ALL the time.
The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people. [/b]
But, that’s onyl if you’re a real ninja. This huy obviously was not, since he got caught.
Damnit, Ninja!!!
Wha? Damn…
Man, that guys has a screw loose
Still nothing compared to my pirate-ninja. They have self control. And defeat enemies without going to court. Btw that guy is an ass.