Videospirit, why do some people hate him so.

Video, making and argueing in a thread like this, even titled to the extent as “Why do you hate me ;.;” will not stop people from hating you. Infact it will probably increase the ease in which they can hate you.

I admit, I have often made you the butt of many jokes, but what can I say, I find you annoying :stuck_out_tongue: Why? Probably because of your mannorisms. I don’t know, I rarely make a study of these things.

Now, Video, if you REALLY want to know why people hate you, and to not be hated, my advice is to make alliances with those few people who don’t hate you/have no oppinion/etc. It is these people who will be most easily swayed, suposing you really aren’t annoying, to the side of your friendship. Then, you’ll have people who will say “Oh that video, he’s a nice guy. Why don’t you just get along with him, then you’d see he was a sweet, caring, non-animal-running-over guy!” and, assuming the people who said that are of some less-annoying themselves, they would probably be taken seriously, your past black marks would be overlooked by many, though some would cling desperatly to what they have known for ages, but that is to be expected in any circle of people, and you will be able to hold your head up high without fear of tomatos :stuck_out_tongue:

But, that however, is just my oppinion from what I’ve seen happen in RPGC. No need to take me seriously, since I am still hoping this thread is all an inside joke for you, video, and a few of your friends.


Video there’s an old Russian saying: “You’ll attract more flies with honey than with shit.” Basicly just be nice and such. I’ve never seen you act offensive so I can’t really judge how “mean” of a person you are.

Nagumo, just to poke holes, you probably would get more flies with the shit and more bees with the honey. Though if you want lots of flies, use chicken guts.

Oh well. Maybe I got it backwards I’ll have to check.

I’m clamping down these “do you like me” threads, because they can only lead to trouble. You should ask the people who matter to you or who’s opinions youcan trust about questions such as these.