Would you rather find true love once and lose it, or never find true love and not be hurt?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
How can you experience something that doesn’t exist?
Oh but it does exist if you are willing to believe in it. Trust me, it rules your entire life and rocks everything you’ve ever lived. Or maybe it’s just me and my experience.
I’d rather not experience love and lose it to be not gained again because basically, my whole life is about that special person and being with my soulmate, and I don’t think I could live after a huge portion of my being just…went away for whatever reason.
What a fucking stupid question. Who says you love just once?
Ah yes, something I overlooked I second that…you can love many times Alyx, shoulda rephrased your question
Hmm, didn’t realize it said “once”. Regardless, my choice remains the same.
'Tis Better To Have Loved and Lost Than Never To Have Loved At All… SHEESH! what a great question.
or how bout never love and also never ever be happy? thats where I am right now, and always, I hate my life.
Either there is no such thing as love, and the concept is a cruel illusion meant to hurt people as much as possible, or it is something that only happens to someone else, so it’s not worth bothering yourself with. There’s no point in caring for someone only to lose that person.
Love is useless. I don’t need it, I don’t care about it and I don’t want to have anything to do with it.
Originally posted by Manus Dei
Either there is no such thing as love, and the concept is a cruel illusion meant to hurt people as much as possible, or it is something that only happens to someone else, so it’s not worth bothering yourself with. There’s no point in caring for someone only to lose that person.
Love is useless. I don’t need it, I don’t care about it and I don’t want to have anything to do with it.
So what angsty emo songs did you cull for this post?
To put it simply, none.
Manus, let me refer you to my good friend dictionary.com! Everyone should be a friend of dictionary.com!
Originally posted by Dictionary.com!
5 entries found for joke.
joke ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jk)
Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.
A mischievous trick; a prank.
An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.
Something not to be taken seriously; a triviality: The accident was no joke.
An object of amusement or laughter; a laughingstock: His loud tie was the joke of the office.
I don’t think we really have a choice concerning love and happiness. We can’t be all falling in love and suddenly say, WHOA! Stop that! I don’t wanna do this! I wanna stay happy! and expect that we’ll actually listen. Likewise, we can’t be sitting around on our asses, being like, “Man, I’m tired of this empty contentment, I wanna get me a LOVER! I wanna fall in LOVE, taste sweet sorrowful tears at parting, yadda yadda et cetera,” and suddenly poof, love flies in our faces.
Saying one is “better” than another is kinda silly. Both being in love and not being in love have their definite benefits. It’s like, way easier to just play video games for 18 hours straight when you’re not in love, for one. But love’s pretty kickass too, as long as you don’t expect too much actual tangible reward from it.
-Mazrim Taim
no pain no gain
I should like to experience true love, even at a painful price.
Manus is suffering from “Eva’s boyfriend threatened Manus” syndrome and has now fallen into the dark void forever.
Its a HYPOTHETICAL situation. Geez… get all upset over stupid stuff… I know you fall inlove more then once I just asked for your opions on something.
Originally posted by Evangelion
Manus is suffering from “Eva’s boyfriend threatened Manus” syndrome and has now fallen into the dark void forever.
Oh-kay… not gonna ask.
In my short and almost non existant experience I can honestly say it hurts. However if all goes well it can be the most magical thing in existance, Love is like a rollercoaster, or better yet a drug, it has immense ups but at some point, the downs will hit you hard. It is our ability to recover from the pain that makes us what we are, whether you are hurt once twice or how many times, if you can stand back up and say ‘I’m not giving up, it’s worth it’ then you are truly of stout heart. However there are those coughcough who will simply mope about and cry for themselves, if you are hurt yet do nothing, I say you are a coward, not willing to take the risks, but then you miss out on something truly great.
Originally posted by Manus Dei
Either there is no such thing as love, and the concept is a cruel illusion meant to hurt people as much as possible, or it is something that only happens to someone else, so it’s not worth bothering yourself with. There’s no point in caring for someone only to lose that person.
Love is useless. I don’t need it, I don’t care about it and I don’t want to have anything to do with it.
Quitter. 8P
Seriously, though. You’ll find love, and you probably already have plenty of it. Look around… you have a family, don’t you? And a mother? Do you love them?
Now, I know you’re talking about a girl to love, but you’re giving up too early. How old are you, Manus? If the answer is anything less than about 60-80, then you’ve got PLENTY of time left to seek out someone. True love probably won’t hit you until you’re about 20-25, maybe older… so why quit in your teens?
Originally posted by Evangelion
Manus is suffering from “Eva’s boyfriend threatened Manus” syndrome and has now fallen into the dark void forever.