The World Ends With You

Having not played it, I slightly more identify with Yahtzee’s stance on “giving the character a puzzle which is mind-bogglingly simple for the player to solve, but not allowing them to actually reach said solution until they’ve sat through an interminable cutscene in which said solution is handed to them”

In general yes, but on this occasion Yahtzee wasn’t paying attention. The protagonist gets the mission first thing in the morning, but he can’t go to the place, because unless he finds a partner he can’t kill enemies. The partner immediately divulges the solution to the all too simple problem.

… … … I never actually understood that problem until I was handed the solution.
I suck. D:

Okay, that makes more sense at least – sometimes you just need to railroad for the purposes of getting game mechanics to work right. However, if I ever get off my ass and lern to prograham gamez, I still won’t do something like that as written. :wink:

Till then, let’s play Fallout.

Fallout is indeed the shizznaz.

I am torn by this game.

On one hand, I think the writing is godawful. It seems to me like the writers have no idea what it’s like to hold a conversation with people who use typical slang. The villains, who don’t even use the slang, are also pretty boring so far, but I’ll admit that it could get better, as I’ve hardly even started playing the game. I’m still unshakably appalled at the dialogue between the main characters, though.

On the other hand, the combat is fucking awesome. I wish I could figure out how to do a combo on the top screen during a jump, but other than that, I’ve got no complaints. It was hard to learn, but it’s a ton of fun once you get the hang of it.

I remember when I first read about this game and thought it was awesome. Sure enough, I got it and put a lot of time into it. Loved the combat system, but certain enemies (damn Elephants in particular) do suck to fight. The hidden boss (No. 96) in particular…it’s insane on Ultimate. Basically, I did everything short of collecting all pins/items, which would’ve been a pain to do.

But, I ended up getting burnt out on this game since I put about 80 hrs into it and was also working on a wiki for the game too, putting in info for certain things (Final Time Attack, Abilities, Noise Location, etc.) It was one of those cases where I’d literally played the game way too much. But it’s definitely recommended in my book.