The Super Fun Shiny Happy Kawaii 1000th Post Thread!

What can make you drool?
What makes you afraid?
Are you afraid of the dark?
Do you want cookies if you get the reference I’ve made?

What can make you drool?
What makes you afraid?
Are you afraid of the dark?
Do you want cookies if you get the reference I’ve made?

Any smart 16 year old. Considering I’m only 12.
Anything involving spiders. I’m an arachnaphobe.
No… I’m afraid of the unknown.
Not thank you.
Please what?

He’s not talking to you.

Johnny Depp.
Spiders, but only certain kinds. Like the highly poisonus kinds. o.o;
I loved that show :smiley:
Cookies! :smiley:
…is the magic word.

Wouldn’t it have been funny if I locked this thread right when you made it, seeing as I was one of the people who encouraged you to make this thread when you brought it up? Cos that was my original plan :stuck_out_tongue: I would have unlocked it after like ten minutes, but eh. I don’t know why but I ended up deciding not to. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are You Afraid Of the Dark was that awesome series where they all sat around a campfire and told horror stories! God that brings back memories. I always remember the one in the school, where everyone ate sponge to be turned into the slaves of some giant breeding reptile. :D:D:D

Damnit Cala, now my memory has pushed out some important educational shit to make room for old AYAOTD eps. Damn you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Teehee. I remember that ep. :smiley:

One question.

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Light or Dark?
Ratchet & Clank or Jak?
Momo or KOS-MOS
Ape Escape 2 or Katamari Damacy?

KOS-MOS all the way.

Kiro, I liked your previous avatar better.


  1. Jak
  2. KOS-MOS
  3. Katamari Damacy

Feel free to do so now, cuz this thread is OVAH! Gives everyone who asked something cookies :smiley: