The perfect X-Mas Gift

No Shit? I am, as well, slightly autistic. I also have an extreme difficulty showing emotions and am not very skilled socially. I’m good at math, and I also do the stereotypically autistic characteristic known as counting cards…shit, don’t tell anyone in Vegas. I also have the autistic characteristic of Photographic long term memory. I am also a very competitive chess player. Even if I don’t win.

I’ve recently come to the inherent conclusion that I, too, am autistic. This notion has spawned from the possibility of my spryopolar process in the gydromention inflation of balloonairtionorts.

That’s nice Lanyx. Now say that 5 times fast. ^^

Always wondered what autism was, I heard the word a few times, but never bothered to look it up ^^

I thought it was something like Asperger’s, but according to supposed expert, it’s mild autism. Make of that what you will, I don’t trust shrinks as far as a dead monkey could kick them.

I had the same problem, this summer, only I also had to keep my age a secret… Thank God for early growth of facial hair.

I would talk to someone about that before you make any decisions.

I talked to Ramza. From what I hear, he’s a professional.

Fuck. I’m 22 and I still can’t grow facial hair. Sad, isn’t it??

I was told by a shrink that I indeed had Asperger’s. As well as Schizophrenia and Paranoia.

I forgot to tell you guys that I’m also Bill Gates… And Bill Clinton.